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U.S. Army. Via ibiblio.org
Stratemeyer was a pioneering Army aviator and protege of Arnold who commanded air units in
Southeast Asia through most of the Pacific War. He commanded
the joint British-American Eastern
Air Command before being promoted to lieutenant general and
command of Army
Air Forces, China, which consisted of 10
and 14
Air Forces. Postwar he commanded the American air forces in
the Korean War.
Born at Cincinnatti, OhioKorean | |
1915-6 |
Second lieutenant |
7 Division |
1916-6 |
First lieutenant |
1916-9 |
Pilot training |
1917-5 |
Commander, Air Service Flying and Technical
Schools |
1917-8 |
Captain |
1918-8 |
Major |
1920 |
Commander, 10 Air Park |
1924-8 |
Instructor, U.S. Military Academy |
1929 |
Air Corps Tactical School |
1930-6 |
Command and General Staff School |
1932 |
Instructor, Command and General Staff School |
1936-6 |
Lieutenant colonel |
Commander, 7 Bombardment Group |
1938 |
Army War College |
1939 |
Chief, Training and Operations Division, Office of the Chief of the Air Corps | |
1940-3 |
Colonel |
1941 |
Executive officer, Office of the Chief of the
Air Corps |
1941-8 |
Brigadier general | |
1942-2 |
Major general | Commander, Southeastern Air Corps Training
Center, Maxwell Field, Alabama |
1942-7 |
Chief of the Air Staff, Headquarters, U.S.
Army Air Forces |
1943-7 |
Commander, India-Burma Sector |
1943-12-15 |
Commander, Eastern
Air Command |
1945-5 |
Lieutenant general |
Commander, Army Air Forces, China |
1946-3 |
Commander, Air Defense Command |
1948 |
Commander, Continental Air Command |
1949-4 |
Commander, Far East Air Force |
1951-5 |
Suffers a severe heart attack |
19521-31 |
Retires |
1969-8-11 |
Dies |
Air Force Link (accessed 2011-10-3)
Generals.dk (accessed 2011-10-3)
The Pacific War Online Encyclopedia © 2011 by Kent G. Budge. Index