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U.S. Army. Via ibiblio.org
Dawley commanded 40 Division at Camp Roberts when war
broke out in the Pacific. He later commanded VI Corps at Salerno, Italy, but was relieved by Mark Clark
in September 1943, reverting to his permanent rank of colonel.
...the inevitable confusion of the beachhead, the intermingling of units and the consequent lack of neat dispositions on a situation map, Dawley's failure to impress visiting officers of high rank, his fatigue after several days and nights of strenuous activity and little sleep — these raised doubts in the minds of his superiors.
As in so many other cases where a senior officer was relieved, the relief of Dawley was controversial and some historians have characterized him as a scapegoat for Clark's own failings. Dawley was later restored to general rank and commanded training centers for tank destroyer units through most of the remainder of the war.
His class yearbook describes Dawley as "a quiet
lad that one seldom sees or hears of."
1886-2-17 |
Born |
1918 |
Executive officer, Saumur Artillery School, France |
1926 |
Command and General Staff School
(graduating 80th in a class of 201) |
1939 |
Commander, 82 Field Artillery
Regiment |
1940-7 |
Brigadier general | Commander, Artillery, 7 Division |
Commander, 40 Division |
1942-4 |
Major general |
Commander, VI Corps |
1943-9 |
Commandant, Tank Destroyer School |
1944-3 |
Commandant, Tank Destroyer Center |
1945-3 |
Commander, Ground Force
Reinforcement Command, European Theater of Operations |
1947 |
Retires |
1973 |
Dies |
Command and General Staff School (accessed 2008-7-13)
(accessed 2008-7-12)
Pettibone (2006)
The Pacific War Online Encyclopedia © 2008-2009, 2012 by Kent G. Budge. Index