
Relief map of Timor

Timor is a large, mountainous island near the eastern end of the Netherlands East Indies island arc. West Timor was under Dutch control while East Timor was a Portuguese colony and, theoretically, neutral territory during the Pacific War. The Australians and Dutch garrisoned it anyway, on 17 December 1941, with 400 troops. The major ports were Kupang in West Timor and Dili in East Timor.

Both Kupang and Dili were invaded on 20 February 1942. The Kupang convoy was composed of nine transports escored by a light cruiser and eight destroyers, while the Dili convoy consisted of five transports, two destroyers, two minesweepers, and a number of submarine chasers. The assault force was drawn from 228 Regiment and 1 Yokosuka Special Naval Landing Force. The latter included paratroops that were dropped behind Kupang to trap the garrison, which surrendered byy 23 February. The landings at Dili were almost unopposed.

Timor is good guerrilla country, with a population that was friendly to the Allies, and a substantial body of Allied troops took to the hills as guerrillas. These operated with some effectiveness for six months, but by November 1942 the Japanese were able to mount an effective anti-guerrilla campaign, and the Allied troops were spirited away by American submarines between December 1942 and February 1943.


Willmott (1982)

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