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The army was the command echelon below the army group and above the corps in the American and British armies. However,
the American
and British armies in the Pacific tended to be attached directly
theater commands. An army was normally commanded by a lieutenant
general. At the start of the war, the noncombat services were
mostly split between the army and the corps, but as the war went
on, an increasing fraction of the noncombat services in American
corps were shifted to the army level to make the corps less an
administrative organization and more a maneuver formation.
In the Japanese
Army, the army was the equivalent of a Western corps, with a
manpower of between 50,0000 and 150,000 men, and it was attached
to an area army or a theater command. It was normally commanded by
an experienced lieutenant general.
A Chinese army was also
equivalent to a Western corps, consisting of three divisions and supporting
elements, and was attached to an army group. The Chinese early
adopted the Russian practice
of deploying selected armies along communications routes, and the
designation of these as route armies persisted among the Chinese Communists.
"Handbook on Japanese Military Forces" (1944-9-15)
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