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Ho (He Zhuguo) commanded 15 Army Group in central China
during most of the Pacific War, participating in the second battle of Changsha and the defence against the Japanese To-go offensive. He may have been the English-speaking aide of Hsueh Yueh mentioned by Dorn (1974.) His
2 Cavalry Army had fought against the Japanese in north China from the
earliest days of the China Incident. He had supported Chang Hsueh-liang
during the Sian Incident, when Chiang Kai-shek was forced to establish a nominal truce with the Chinese Communists in order to fight the Japanese, and seems to have continued to mediate between the Communists and the Kuomintang. A graduate of the Paoting Military Academy, he had also trained in cavalry tactics in Japan, and seems to have been one of the more capable generals to lead Kuominang forces.
1897 |
Born in Kwangsi province |
1925 |
Colonel |
Commander, 127 Regiment, Northeastern Army |
1926 |
Commander, 45 Regiment, Northeastern Army |
1927 |
Acting commander, 45 Brigade, Northeastern Army |
1927 |
Brigadier general |
Commander, 45 Brigade, Northeastern Army |
1927 |
Commander, Kaifeng Garrison |
1927 |
Major general |
Commander, 23 Provisional Division, 29 Army, Northeastern Army |
1928 |
Commander, 3 Brigade, Northeastern Army |
1931 |
Commander, 9 Independent Brigade |
1932 |
Commander, Linyong Garrison |
1933 |
Lieutenant general |
Commander, 57 Army |
1934 |
Lishan Military Officers Training Corps |
1935 |
Commander, Cavalry Army Corps |
1936 |
Chief of staff, Northwestern Military Committee |
1937 |
Deputy commander, Sian Field Headquarters |
1937 |
Commander, 2 Cavalry Army |
1940 |
Commander, 2 Army |
1941 |
Commander, 15 Army Group |
1945 |
Commander, Linquan Command Headquarters |
1945 |
Chief of staff, Northeastern Field Headquarters |
1945 |
On leave for illness |
1948 |
Retires |
1985 |
Dies |
Generals.dk (accessed 2010-11-22)
Schram (1992; accessed 2010-11-22)
The Pacific War Online Encyclopedia © 2008, 2010 by Kent G. Budge. Index