
Ki-17 "Cedar”, Japanese Trainer Aircraft

Photograph of Ki-17 "Cedar" primary trainer aircraft

USAF. Via Francillon (1979)

Tachikawa Ki-17 "Cedar"


2 in tandem open cockpits
Dimensions 32'3" by 25'7" by 9'8"
9.82m by 7.8m by 2.95m
Weight 1362-1984 lbs
618-900 kg
Maximum speed     
106 mph
170 km/h
Cruising speed       81 mph
130 km/h
Ceiling 17,390 feet
5300 meters
Power plant One Army Type 95 (Hitachi Ha-12) 7-cylinder air cooled radial engine rated at 150 hp for takeoff, driving a two-blade wooden propeller.
Range 280 miles
450 km
Production A total of 560 Ki-17 at Tachikawa from 1935 to 1944

The Ki-17 "Cedar" biplane trainer was designed to replace the unsatisfactory Ki-9 "Spruce". Unlike the earlier design, it did not try to fulfill the roles of both primary and secondary trainer, but was exclusively a primary trainer. This meant that it could be designed to a 6 g stress rather than the 12 g of the Ki-9. The result was an unusually light biplane that was rushed into production in 1935 to train the large number of pilots required to expand the Army aviation program.


Francillon (1979)

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