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Padang (100.767E
0.684S) had the only significant harbor
(Emmahaven; 100.372E 0.998S) on the Indian Ocean
side of Sumatra,
is not surprising, considering that it rains
pretty much nonstop in
region. In late 1941, the harbor was protected by four small coastal guns and a single
battalion of troops. The
population in 1941 was about 66,900 persons, of whom about 3500 were Europeans. Most of the rest Minangkabau, a Moslem ethnic group characterized by a matrilineal
society whose male members had unusual motivation and opportunity to
travel and seek education. The high educational level of Minangkabau men
in turn meant that they were heavily represented in the Indonesian
nationalist movement.
Climate Information:
Elevation 22'
Temperatures: Jan 87/74, Apr 87/75, Jul 87/74, Oct 86/74, record 94/69
Rainfall: Jan 16/13.8, Apr 17/14.3, Jul
12/10.9, Oct 20/19.5
== 164.3" per annum
"A Pocket Guide to the Netherlands East Indies" (accessed 2013-12-25)
Kennedy (1943-8-5; accessed 2012-12-25)
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