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Library of Congress. Via Wikimedia Commons
Salt Lake City (111.909W
40.768N) was founded in 1847 by Brigham Young, who led
thousands of Mormon refugees westward from Illinois after the murder of
founder Joseph Smith. It was the center of a rich agricultural region
in 1941,
with limited industrialization. Important mineral resources
were located in
the immediate area, such as the Bingham
Canyon mine and the Little Green Monster phosphate mine. It was also an important communications center.
Fort Douglas was located east of the city center,
in the foothills of the Wasatch Mountains close to the University of
Utah. Established in 1862, the fort served primarily as a prisoner of war camp during the Pacific War. Salt Lake City Army Air Base (111.978W 40.788N) was also active during the war, becoming Salt Lake City International Airport postwar.
East Coast
Climate Information:
Elevation 4260'
Temperatures: Jan 35/17, Apr 62/38, Jul 92/61, Oct 66/40, record 105/-20
Rainfall: Jan 10/1.3, Apr 9/2.0, Jul 4/0.6, Oct 7/1.5 == 16.3" per annum
FortDouglas.org (accessed 2011-4-5)
The Pacific War Online Encyclopedia © 2007-2008, 2011 by Kent G. Budge. Index