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Sumida Haikushiro (Sumida Raishiro) was an artillery
officer who commanded 1
Army at Taiyuan from
November 1944. After the general surrender, he became an advisor to the
Kuomintang governor of Shansi
province, who protected him from standing trial for war crimes. He is alleged to have made a pact with Yen Hsi-shan to keep as many as four divisions of Japanese troops in China to fight against the Chinese Communists.
Born |
1933-6-22 |
Military attache, France |
1935-9-25 |
Instructor, War College |
1936-3-28 |
Chief, 8 Section, 4 Bureau,
General Staff |
1936-6 |
Chief, 1 Section, General
Affairs Bureau, General Staff |
1937-8-2 |
Commander, 3 Field Artillery
Regiment |
1937-9-1 |
Inspectorate of Artillery |
1937-11-1 |
Commander, 15 Independent Field
Artillery Regiment |
1938-7-15 |
general |
Commander, 6 Heavy Field
Artillery Brigade |
1939-10-2 |
Commandant, Heavy Artillery
School |
1940-9-28 |
Head, Japanese Delegation, Indochina |
1941-9-3 |
general |
Commander, 39
Division |
Commander, 1 Army |
1949-2 |
Retires |
1979 |
Dies |
Generals.dk (accessed 2014-2-7)
Japan Times (2006-6-24; accessed 2011-7-28)
The Pacific War Online Encyclopedia © 2007-2008, 2011, 2014 by Kent G. Budge. Index