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"Speck" Wheeler was one of the most experienced engineers in the U.S. Army prior to being assigned to the Far East in 1941. He succeeded Stilwell as deputy commander of Southeast Asia Command after the latter was recalled in October 1944. (Stilwell's other titles as chief of staff to Chiang Kai-shek and chief of Northern Combat Area Command went to Wedemeyer and Sultan.) Wheeler ended his career as chief engineer of the Army.
1885 |
born | |
1933 |
Colonel |
District Engineer, Rock Island, Illinois |
1935 |
Chief Regional Engineer, Work Progress Administration, Chicago |
1936 |
Delegate, Permanent International Association of Navigation Congresses |
1936 |
Army War College |
1937 |
Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors |
1940 |
Panama Canal |
1941 |
Assistant Chief of staff (G-4), War Department |
1941 |
Chief, U.S. Military Mission to Iraq, Iran and India |
1942-2 |
Commander, General Services of Supply, China-Burma-India Theater of Operations |
1943-8 |
Principle administration officer, SEAC | |
1944-10 |
Deputy commander, SEAC |
1945-6-23 |
Commander, Burma-India Theater of Operations |
1945-10-1 |
Chief of Engineers |
1949 |
Retires |
1974 |
Dies |
Generals.dk (accessed 2010-11-4)
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