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Yasuda Takeo was commissioned in the engineer corps in 1909 and also excelled in artillery. He studied in Germany and was deeply involved in technical research. The outbreak of the Pacific War found him directing the Army aviation laboratories, where he directed early research on nuclear energy. He was given command of 1 Air Army in June 1942 but returned to staff assignments in May 1943. He returned to command of 1 Air Army for the final homeland defense in April 1945.
Yasuda was an advocate of suicide attack by ramming enemy aircraft. In March 1943 he succeeded in reshuffling the Army air forces to put officers sympathetic to suicide tactics in command.
1889 |
Born |
1909 |
lieutenant |
1932 |
Colonel |
Chief, Signal Section, Kwantung Army |
1933 |
Director, Research Department,
Army Signal School |
1934 |
Chief, Fortifications Section,
Military Affairs Burea, Ministry of War |
1937 |
Army Aeronautical Technical
Research Institute |
1937 |
Head, 2 Bureau, Army
Aeronautical Department, Ministry of War |
1937 |
Head, Field Aviation Ordnance,
Imperial General Headquarters |
1938 |
Head, Army Aeronautical
Technical Research Institute |
general |
Commander, 1 Air Army |
1943-5-1 |
Inspector-General of Army
Aviation |
1943 |
Head, Army Aeronautical
Department, Ministry of War |
1944 |
Supreme War Council |
1945-4-1 |
Commander, 1 Air Army |
1945 |
Retires |
1964 |
Dies |
(accessed 2008-7-19)
The Pacific War Online Encyclopedia © 2007-2008, 2011 by Kent G. Budge. Index