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Imperial Japanese
Army. Via Wikipedia
If any one person can be said to be responsible for the Pacific War, it might well be Ando Rikichi, a hotheaded Japanese Army general who moved troops from his South China Area Army into French Indochina on his own authority in September 1940, following the German defeat of France. This outraged the United States and further poisoned the already shaky relations between the U.S. and Japan. In the topsy-turvy world of Tokyo politics, the civilian government dared not lose face by reversing Ando’s actions, but he was recalled to Japan and forced to retire in January 1941.
When war became imminent, in November 1941, Ando was recalled, promoted, and placed in command of Formosa Army. He served here throughout the war.
Ando misjudged American intentions in the spring of 1945, moving the crack 9 Division from Okinawa to Formosa. He also disagreed with Ushijima's plan to defend in depth, preferring to meet the Americans at the water's edge, but did not press the issue.
Ando committed suicide in 1946 to avoid prosecution for war crimes.
1884 |
Born |
1914 |
Joins Japanese Army |
Instructor, Army War
College |
1925 |
Military attache, India |
1927 |
Army General Staff |
1928 |
Commander, 13 Regiment |
1930 |
Chief of staff, 5 Division |
1931 |
Chief, Military
Administration Section, War Ministry |
1932 |
Military attache, Britain |
1934 |
General Staff |
1934 |
Major general | Commander, 1 Brigade |
1935-8 |
Commandant, Toyama Army
Infantry School |
1936-4 |
Commander, 5 Independent
Garrison Unit |
1937-7 |
Deputy inspector-general
of training |
1938-2-11 |
Lieutenant general | Acting inspector-general
of training |
1938-6-3 |
Commander, 5 Division |
1938-11-9 |
Commander, 21 Army |
1940-2-10 |
Commander, South China
Area Army |
1940-10-5 |
General Staff |
Retired from active duty |
Recalled to command Formosa Army |
1944-9-22 |
General | Commander, 10 Area Army |
1944-12-30 |
Governor-general of Formosa |
1946 |
Commits suicide |
Generals.dk (accesssed 2007-11-3)
Huber (1990; accessed 2011-7-23)
The Pacific War Online Encyclopedia © 2006-2007, 2011 by Kent G. Budge. Index