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Hobart (147.340E 42.902S) is the capital of Tasmania and was the site of a small naval base on the Derwent River estuary. It was founded in 1804 as a convict settlement and incorporated in 1857. Its location near the northern fringe of the Antarctic Current guarantees it a uniformly cool climate all year round.
The hydroelectric potential of Tasmania was just beginning to be exploited in 1941, with the Tarraleah hydroelectric plant operating at half the ultimate planned capacity of 90,000 megawatts. Completion of the plant would have to await the end of the war, but the power provided promised to turn Tasmania into a nonferrous metal production center.
Climate Information:
Elevation 177'
Temperatures: Jan 71/53, Apr 63/48, Jul 52/40, Oct 63/46, record 105/28
Rainfall: Jan 13/1.9, Apr 14/1.9, Jul 17/2.1, Oct 18/2.3 == 24.0" per annum
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