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As a staff intelligence officer, William Old was the first pilot to fly across the southern Himalayas between India and China. He thus played a key role in pioneering the aerial supply route across "The Hump."
Old later commanded Troop Carrier Command and personally led the first transport flights to reach the Arakan in the face of Japanese fighter opposition during the Battle of the Admin Box. He later personally flew the lead plane into Myitkyina after its capture on 17 May 1944.
As commander of the Alaskan Air Force, Old directed the first landing of an aircraft at the North Pole.
1901 |
Born |
1942 |
Colonel |
Staff, 10 Air Force |
1943 |
Brigadier general | Chief of staff, 10 Air Force |
1943 |
Commander, Troop Carrier Command, Eastern Air Command |
1945 |
Commander, 54 Troop Carrier Wing |
1946 |
Major general | Commander, 12 Air Force |
1947 |
Commander, 9 Air Force |
1950 |
Commander, Alaskan Air Command |
1954 |
Retires |
1965 |
Dies |
ArcticWebsite.com (accessed 2011-9-21)
Craven and Cate (1947; accessed 2011-9-21)
Generals.dk (accessed 2011-9-21)
Saunders (1954; accessed 2011-9-21)
The Pacific War Online Encyclopedia © 2011 by Kent G. Budge. Index