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Seattle Pacific University. Fair use may apply.
Fort Casey (122.676W 48.164N) was established in 1890 at Admiralty Head on Whidbey Island, overlooking the main entrance to Puget Sound from the northeast. The coastal artillery here featured seven 10" disappearing guns, sixteen 12" mortars, and two 3" rapid-fire rifles. These were manned by 10 officers and 428 men of 14 Coastal Artillery Regiment.
Together with Fort Worden and Fort Flagler, Fort Casey was said to make up a "Triangle of Fire" guarding the entrance to Puget Sound.
Fort Ebey was constructed just north of Fort Casey in 1942-1943 with 6" guns at a location ideal for a radar site.
The fortress was closed in 1953.
FortWiki.com (accessed 2010-12-28)
mablehome.com (2009; accessed 2010-12-28)
Seattle Pacific University (accessed 2010-12-28)
Washington State Parks (accessed 2010-12-28)
Whidbey Camano Islands (accessed 2010-12-28)
The Pacific War Online Encyclopedia © 2010 by Kent G. Budge. Index