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"Dolphin Talk." Fair use may apply.
Los Angeles (118.222W 34.019N) was first settled by Europeans in 1781. At the time, it was described as “a very spacious valley, well grown with cottonwoods and alders, among which ran a beautiful river from north-northwest” – a far cry from the metropolis of today. The area fell into American hands in 1847 as part of the spoils of the Mexican War.
The Santa Fe Railroad reached the city in 1885, connecting it with the population centers of the East. The city grew rapidly, and was already one of the largest in the United States in 1941 (with a population of just over 1.5 million persons). Much of this growth was fueled by the local oil fields and by the careful development of the Port of Los Angeles at San Pedro. The city was highly industrialized, with major aircraft plants at Burbank, Inglewood, El Segundo, and Santa Monica. Bethlehem Steel had a small mill in the southern part of the city, at Vernon (118.230W 34.004N). However, Los Angeles County ranked first in the nation in value of farm products until as late as 1949.
Climate Information:
Elevation 312'
Temperatures: Jan 65/46, Apr 70/50, Jul 81/60, Oct 76/54, record 109/28
Rainfall: Jan 6/3.1, Apr 4/1.0, Jul 0/0, Oct 2/0.6 == 15.0" per annum
Friedman (2004)The Pacific War Online Encyclopedia © 2007, 2009-2010, 2012 by Kent G. Budge. Index