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John "Jackie" Smyth had been an instructor at Staff College
Camberley and had led a brigade in France
in the debacle of 1940. He was commander of 17 Indian Division when war
broke out in the Pacific. His division was deployed to Burma, where Hutton ordered Smyth to
Moulmein in spite of its tenuous
to Rangoon: There was only a
single bridge across the Sittang
and Bilin rivers and no
bridge at all across the Salween,
which left Moulmein reliant on
ferries from Martaban. This was a hopeless task, and Moulmein fell on
January, though not before the garrison put up a stiff fight.
Japanese troops crossed the Salween on 10
February and advanced rapidly. Smyth had put together a realistic and
intelligent plan to hold on the Sittang, a formidable military
obstacle, long enough to be joined by 48 Indian Brigade and 7 Armored
Brigade. The terrain west of the Sittang was flat and cultivated and would
have been good tank country for 7 Armored to operate in. However, Wavell, who consistently
underestimated the Japanese, ordered Smyth to hold east of the Bilin,
which was little more than a shallow creek at this time of year. Smyth
was outflanked by 214 Regiment
and his forces badly battered and forced back. The last bridge across
the Sittang was demolished
prematurely on 23 February 1942, leaving much of the 17
Indian Division on the wrong side. Most of the men
escaped, but the heavy equipment was lost and the division was hors de combat, making a prolonged
defense along the Sittang impossible.
Smyth was sacked on
5 March 1942, probably unjustly. Certainly his treatment by Wavell was
shabby. Smyth was stripped of general rank and forced into retirement,
and Wavell formally charged him with failing to have a medical
inspection when ordered to Burma and of
applying for leave after having been passed fit by a medical board. The
second charge not only appears to contradicts the first, but was
patently untrue and grossly unfair. Smyth was in great pain from an anal fissure
throughout the battle, for which he was being treated with arsenic and
strychnine, but the recommendation by Smyth's medical officer that he take leave
as soon as possible was either not seen or was ignored by Wavell.
Smyth believed, probably correctly, that he had been severely hampered in his defense of east Burma by Hutton, who did
his best to carry out Wavell's unrealistic instructions to fight for
every foot of territory. Smyth would rather have retreated to a more
defensible position where he could have fought the Japanese on his own
terms, and the British Official Historian agreed in the postwar
history. This led to controversy when Hutton all but accused Smyth of
1893 |
Born |
1931 |
Instructor, Staff College
Camberley |
1936 |
Commander, 45 Rattrays Sikhs
Battalion |
1939 |
Staff, 2 London Division |
1940 |
Commander, 127 Brigade |
1941 |
general |
Commander, 19 Indian Division |
Commander, 17 Indian Division | |
Retired |
Generals.de (accessed 2007-11-8)
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