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National Archives #80-G-427844
Chester W. Nimitz was born at Fredericksburg, Texas, to
family of German immigrant hotel keepers. He
originally sought
admittance to West Point, but
his Congressman informed him that the appointment had already been
given to
another but that an appointment was still open to the U.S. Naval
Academy. Nimitz graduated from the Academy in 1905 and
became a submariner,
rising to command a submarine
flotilla by 1912
and directing construction of the Navy’s first diesel
submarine. During the
latter assignment he lost the ring finger of his left hand when he
pointed at a
diesel engine while briefing some distinguished visitors. The
tip of his
gloved finger caught in a gear and was crushed before the engine could
be shut
down. Thus, like his arch-foe Yamamoto,
Nimitz was missing part of a hand lost in
the line of duty.
Nimitz later was executive and engineering officer on oiler Maumee,
the Navy's first surface ship constructed with diesel engines. During
this tour of duty, Nimitz made significant contributions to the
development of underway refueling of warships.
Nimitz attended the Navy War College
between the wars and rose
steadily upwards. He was a rear admiral in command of the
Bureau of Navigation
(actually the Navy’s personnel bureau) at the start of the Pacific War, a position
traditionally regarded as a steppingstone to high rank. This
was realized
after the Pearl
Harbor disaster, on 17 December 1941, when Nimitz was
promoted over
numerous senior admirals to relieve
the disgraced Admiral
Kimmel as commander of the Pacific Fleet.
This proved to be
one of Roosevelt’s
best appointments.
Nimitz spoke generously of the man he relieved, stating
that what happened to Kimmel
could have happened to anyone. There was more to this statement than
meets the eye: Many years later, Nimitz revealed that the Navy
Secretary, Frank Knox, had offered him the job of Commander, Pacific
Fleet, in January 1941. Nimitz had refused because he considered
himself too junior and feared his early advancement would generate bad feelings.
Nimitz had a relaxed, informal manner
that contributed to amicable interservice relations, particularly with
prickly MacArthur.
However, Nimitz’ informality masked
considerably toughness and intelligence. He valued innovation
and recognized
that aircraft
would be decisive in the war. Though a
submarine and surface
officer, with no direct aviation experience, his thesis at the
Naval War
College concerned the use of circular formations built around aircraft
This formation was adopted with much
success in the war.
Nimitz was meticulous in his personal habits, and
disliked politicians for their habit of arriving late. He was always
accompanied by Makalapa ("Mak"), his pet schnauzer, "a mean little dog
growled" (Hastings 2007). He encouraged his otherwise hardworking staff
to take an afternoon tennis break, and was himself an avid pistol
shooter, a form of recreation he adopted at the recommendation of his
physician. He often took long walks with Spruance, his chief of staff, and he was fond of
classical music and ice creams with unusual flavors, such as avocado.
He was decidedly skeptical of the use of women in noncombat roles, and saw to it
that the only female naval auxiliary officer at his headquarters, a mine warfare intelligence expert, was
administratively listed as being assigned elsewhere. His diplomatic skills included a
repertoire of colorful jokes and anecdotes, which drew laughter from
even the dour MacArthur.
King tried to keep Nimitz on
a rather short leash. It was King who dictated the
early Pacific strategy of carrier
raids against the Japanese
perimeter, which went against Nimitz' conservative instinct to protect
his main base at Pearl Harbor. Arthur
Davis, Nimitz' aviation officer, bluntly described him at this time
as "scared and cautious" (Lundstrom 2006). However, the designation of
Nimitz as
Commander, Pacific
Ocean Areas, gave him the authority he needed to begin asserting
himself. Nimitz fully came into his own in the handling of the Midway
campaign, when he decided to gamble everything on the intelligence
produced by his code
breakers. As a result, the American
carriers were in position to ambush
the Japanese
carrier strike force, destroying four Japanese carriers in exchange for
the Yorktown,
which restored the balance of power in the Pacific.
Nimitz' second great
decision was to replace his old friend, Ghormley, with Halsey as commander, South
Pacific Area, at the height of the Guadalcanal crisis. Another
important decision was to strike directly at Kwajalein
in 1944 rather than to first occupy more outlying atolls. His only serious mistake was
to insist on the occupation of Peleliu
prior to the Leyte landings.
One of the principal architects of the Allied victory, Nimitz rose to five-star rank and became Chief of Naval Operations after the war. Hastings (2007) describes him as "one of the greatest naval officers America has produced." "Jocko" Clark said of him that he was "the one great leader in the Pacific who had no blemish on his shield or dent in his armor." His son, Chester W. Nimitz, Jr., was also a submariner, an occasional critic of his father’s decisions, and a torpedo expert who helped resolve the difficulties with U.S. torpedoes. The younger Nimitz would rise to the rank of rear admiral in the postwar Navy.
Born in Fredericksburg, Texas |
1905-1-24 |
Midshipman |
Graduates from Naval Academy,
standing 7th in a class of 144, and assigned to battleship Ohio |
1906-9-15 |
Baltimore |
1907-1-12 |
Commander, PG Panay |
1907-7-8 |
Commander, DD Decatur |
1907-9-26 |
Ensign |
1908-8-12 |
Ranger |
1909 |
Commander, 1 Submarine Flotilla |
1910-1-26 |
Commander, SS Snapper |
1910-3-12 |
Lieutenant junior
grade |
1910-3-12 |
Lieutenant |
Naval Torpedo Station |
1910-11-18 |
Commander, SS Narwhal |
Commander, 3 Submarine Flotilla |
1911-11-23 |
Commander, SS Skipjack |
1912-5-7 |
Commander, Atlantic Submarine
Flotilla |
1913-4-28 |
Engineering duty at Washington,
D.C., Groton, New York, and Germany |
1916-10-23 |
Executive officer/engineering
officer, AO Maumee |
1918-2-6 |
Chief of staff, Atlantic
Submarine Force |
1918-2-19 |
Commander |
1918-10 |
Board of Submarine Design |
1919-5-6 |
Executive officer, South Carolina |
1920-5-20 |
Commander, Pearl Harbor Submarine Base |
1920-7-17 |
Commander, Chicago, and Commander, Submarine
Division 14 |
1922-6-21 |
Enters Naval War College |
1923-5-26 |
Graduates from Naval War College |
1923-6-30 |
Assistant chief of staff,
Commander, Battle Fleet |
1926-8-10 |
Director, Naval ROTC Program,
University of California at Berkeley |
1927-6-2 |
Captain |
1929-6-15 |
Commander, Submarine Division 20 |
1931-6-17 |
Commander, AS Rigel |
1931-10-16 |
Commander, CA Augusta |
1935-5-28 |
Assistant chief, Bureau of
Navigation |
1938-7-9 |
admiral |
Commander, Cruiser Division 2 |
1938-9-17 |
Commander, Battleship Division 1 |
1939-6-15 |
Chief, Burea of Navigation |
1941-11-1 |
Rear admiral, upper
half |
Commander, Pacific Fleet |
Fleet Admiral |
1945-12-15 |
Chief of Naval Operations |
1947-12-15 |
Retires from the Navy |
1949-3 |
Special ambassador for the United Nations |
1952 |
Regent, University of California at Berkeley | |
1966-2-20 |
Dies at Treasure Island,
California |
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Wildenberg (1996)
The Pacific War Online Encyclopedia © 2006-2010, 2012, 2014 by Kent G. Budge. Index