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National Archives #80-G-451086
Midway Island (177.360W 28.21N) is an atoll in the western reaches of the Hawaiian Island chain, some 2200 miles (3500 km) east of Tokyo and 1225 miles (1970 km) northwest of Pearl Harbor. It consists of two small islands, Sand Island and Eastern Island, which were just large enough for airfields. Sand Island is 3800 yards (3500 meters) long and 2000 yards (1800 meters) wide while Eastern Island is 2200 yards (2000 meters) long and 1300 yards (1200 meters) wide. Both islands were on the south edge of a coral reef 6 miles (10 km) across surrounding a mostly shallow, foul lagoon. However, there was a natural anchorage, Wells Harbor, located just northwest of Sand Island and accessible through Seward Roads to the west. Welles Harbor had room for perhaps two or three merchant ships. The main lagoon could be reached through a dredged channel, Brooks Channel, between Eastern and Sand Island, and its central portion was deep enough for seaplanes. The islands are mostly coral sand covered with scrub and are nowhere higher than 13 feet (4 meters) above high water. There was originally a 42 foot (13 meter) hill on Sand Island, but this was bulldozed down to provide material for a breakwater on the east corner of the island.
The climate is
dominated by easterly trade winds and the average rainfall is 42
inches a year, mostly during the winter months. Temperatures
remain between about 70F and 80F (20C and 30C) year round.
Midway was ideally located for patrol aircraft
and light naval forces, and was an important submarine base later in the
war. It already had three runways when war broke out, which were
3250, 4500, and 5300 feet (990, 1370, and 1600 meters) long. A low
timber seawall had been built
along almost the entire coastline of both islands and there was a
lighthouse on Sand Island. The islands were garrisoned by 6
Marine Defense Battalion.
The island was bombarded by a small Japanese destroyer force the night after the attack on Pearl Harbor. The Japanese operational plan for the Pearl Harbor attack called for the seaplane base at Midway to be neutralized to cover the withdrawal of the Japanese carrier force. Destroyers Sazaname and Ushio fired a few shells that did light damage but failed to put the seaplane base out of commission. It didn't matter; the Americans had no forces in the area that could have seriously challenged Nagumo's carrier force.
Midway received further reinforcements on 25
December 1941, when VMF-221,
originally intended for Wake,
was flown off to Midway. The next day Tangier arrived with men and equipment
also originally intended for Wake.
One of the most decisive naval battles in history was fought off Midway in June 1942. Yamamoto personally led most of Combined Fleet to invade the island, hoping to draw out and destroy the American carrier forces based in Hawaii, reasoning that Nimitz could not ignore an attack on this important outpost. The operation was spearheaded by Nagumo's carrier force, with Yamamoto and the Japanese battleship force well to the rear.
Yamamoto's choice to fight the battle was criticized
at the time and has been ever since. A more logical strategy might
have been to attack the lines of communication from the U.S. West
Coast to Australia, which were vital to the American war strategy
but were much further from the base at Hawaii. Historian Hugh
Bicheno speculates that Yamamoto might have been seeking a victory
so spectacular that his prestige would allow him to overthrow the
Army-controlled Japanese government and open negotiations with the
Americans while Japan was still in a position of strength.
Preliminaries. Yamamoto's
had not met with universal approval among the leaders of the Japanese
Navy. The Navy
Staff, led by Nagano,
were skeptical that the atoll was worth the effort: It was too
tiny to serve as an effective assembly point for any invasion of Hawaii,
it would be subject to constant air bombardment by the Americans,
and it was so far from Japan that its logistics would be badly
strained. The Navy General Staff were also concerned that
the operation would take place out of range of any Japanese
land-based aircraft, but well within range of American land-based
aircraft from Hawaii. Finally, the Americans might choose not to
defend the atoll. Yamamoto may have deliberately divided his force
in order to avoid spooking the Americans, and Parshall and Tully
(2006) have made the blunt assessment that "Kondo [commanding the
invasion force] was the bait." However, following the Doolittle raid in April
1942, opposition to Yamamoto's plan evaporated, since Midway could
serve as a base for patrols
to warn against any future incursion by American carriers into
Japanese home waters.
The American code breakers were reading much of the Japanese naval traffic and correctly deduced Yamamoto’s objective. In fact, Nimitz had the necessary intelligence to order a state of "Fleet Opposed Invasion" as early as 14 May 1942. He also ordered Tangiers to stage a seaplane on Tulagi on 20 May, which helped persuade the Japanese that the American carriers were still in the Coral Sea. He ordered Yorktown, which had been damaged at Coral Sea and which had returned to Pearl Harbor on 27May 1942, to expedite repairs. Carriers Enterprise and Hornet had been on their way to the Southwest Pacific following the Doolittle raid, but could not arrive in time to participate in the Battle of the Coral Sea. Nimitz had Halsey deliberately expose his force off Nauru and Ocean Island to force the Japanese to call of a planned invasion of these islands (Operation RY) and to give them the impression the Americans were deploying their carriers in the southwest Pacific. Halsey then returned to Hawaii to replenish before departing for Midway on 28 May. Raymond Spruance commanded the Enterprise force but would come under command of Jack Fletcher in Yorktown once she reached the area. The carrier force would be supported by aircraft from Midway itself, including long-range Catalina patrol aircraft. On 1 June Saratoga, which had been training new air crew following repairs from torpedo damage, completed preparations to get under way from the West Coast and began racing to Midway, but she would not reach the area in time to influence the outcome of the battle.
Yorktown was badly enough damaged that full
repairs were estimated to require ninety days. This was probably
pessimistic, but the ship had extensive splinter damage, two
ruptured port fuel tanks, and three inoperable boilers. In the
three days that were available for repair, the fuel tanks were
welded closed, damaged equipment was replaced, and watertight
integrity was restored as much as possible, but there was not time
for the three inoperable boilers to be repaired and Yorktown
went into battle with her maximum speed reduced to 27 knots.
Spruance had relieved Halsey as commander
of the Enterprise task
force after Halsey came down with a disabling skin disorder. Nimitz had
asked Halsey to recommend his own replacement, and Halsey had made
the surprising recommendation of his task force's cruiser commander, who had no
aviation experience.
However, Spruance had a reputation as as a cool, adaptable,
intellectual officer, and he was slated to become Nimitz' chief of
staff following the battle. Spruance would be assisted by the
brilliant but erratic Captain Miles Browning, Halsey's chief of
staff. This did not work out well. "Halsey had the facility of
taking the best advice of Browning and overruling him when his own
judgement cam into conflict", and he was sorely missed at the
battle. Spruance's inexperience left him little choice but to let
Browning run the air show, and Browning "did a terrible job"
(Lundstrom 2006).
Nimitz chose not to commit the battleships of the Pacific Fleet to the Midway battle, a highly unconventional strategy at the time. The battleships were too slow to keep up with the carriers, and Nimitz had no air cover to spare for them. He also lacked sufficient destroyers to simultaneously screen the battleships and continue running convoys between the West Coast and Australia. Nimitz' decision to leave the battle line at San Francisco was a gutsy move given that the Japanese had committed their own battleships to the operation.
Nimitz decided to fight at Midway because he believed his intelligence on Japanese plans gave him an excellent opportunity to ambush the Japanese. He did not share Yamamoto'a assessment that the Americans must defend the atoll. Spruance's flag secretary later recalled that Nimitz instructed Spruance to withdraw and let Midway fall rather than lose his carriers. Nimitz believed that Midway was far enough east that it could easily be recaptured later if necessary. Nimitz chose to fight at Midway, not because the situation was desperate, but because he calculated that the potential fruits of victory were worth the odds.
One reason for Nimitz' confidence was faulty intelligence suggesting that Nagumo would split his carrier armada into two task forces of two carriers each. Nimitz expected one Japanese task force to attack Midway while the second stood further off to provide cover. These dispositions would leave the Japanese vulnerable to defeat in detail. Nimitz instructed Fletcher that Spruance was to take position where he would use the full striking power of his two carriers to knock out the two carriers raiding Midway as soon as they were located. Fletcher was to cover Spruance from further out and use his own striking power against the second pair of carriers when they turned up, or, if they remained unlocated or the situation otherwise warranted, add his strike to Spruance's.
In fact, Nagumo planned to mass all four carriers into a single
task force, as he had done during most of his operations from the
time of the attack on Pearl Harbor. He was originally scheduled to
launch his first raid against the atoll on 3 June, the same day Kakuta's carriers were
scheduled to strike Dutch
Harbor. Though characterized by a number of American
historians as a diversionary operation in support of the Midway
campaign, the Aleutians
strike was viewed by the Japanese as an independent campaign.
However, once the Americans reacted to the attack on Midway,
Kakuta's carriers were to come south and help trap the Pacific
Fleet while Yamamoto brought forward the Japanese battle line to
finish the Americans. Midway was to be captured by then and its
airfield used to support the Japanese naval forces.
Midway itself was defended by 6 Marine Defense Battalion, which had been reinforced by elements of 2 Marine Raider Battalion and a detachment of five light tanks and was well dug in. Coastal defenses included guns of up to 7" caliber. Morison notes that the Marine organization closely resembled that of the Japanese at Tarawa later in the war, and suggests that the Japanese would have had a very tough time taking the atoll with the forces they had allocated. Since the Japanese counted on taking Midway before the American fleet arrived, which they estimated would take place on 7 or 8 June, it seems clear the Japanese greatly underestimated the difficulty of their objective. Since the American carriers were already off Midway on 4 June and would decisively defeat the Japanese at sea, the amphibious invasion was never attempted.
Both sides deployed submarines in the area. Most of the American submarines were clustered around Midway itself, with the remainder held back as pickets around Oahu in case the Japanese tried to slip around to attack Pearl Harbor. The Japanese submarines were primarily deployed around Oahu on the assumption that the Americans would not sortie from Pearl Harbor until word came of the attack on Dutch Harbor. In fact, the Japanese submarines were late arriving on station, and the Americans had already sortied before these submarines could get into position.
The Americans planned to scout the approaching Japanese using the
long-range Catalinas from Midway. The Japanese in turn scouted the
area southwest of Midway with Mavis
flying boats from Kwajalein, but the American
carriers were careful to stay out of range of Japanese land bases
and these searches accomplished nothing. Another important part of
the Japanese search plan was Operation "K", which was to be a reconnaissance of Pearl
Harbor conducted by flying
boats refueled by tanker
submarine at French
Frigate Shoals. Had this operation been successfully carried
out and the Japanese discovered that the American carriers were
not at Pearl Harbor, the battle might have turned out very
differently; but the American code breakers had discovered this
part of the Japanese plan, and several American ships were
stationed at French Frigate Shoals. The Japanese were forced to
cancel Operation "K", but failed to get the word to Nagumo, who
assumed that the American carriers were still at Pearl Harbor. Nor
did the radio team on Yamamoto's flagship, Yamato, pass along
to Nagumo their conclusion from traffic analysis that
the Americans had just put a carrier force to sea.
Contact. On
3 June 1942 Kakuta's
carriers attacked Dutch
Harbor in the Aleutians.
The Americans were expecting a raid on Midway the same day, which
would have taken place had not Nagumo requested an extra day to
finish preparations before sailing. However, the search planes
from Midway and from Fletcher's task force failed to detect any
Japanese force in the murky weather
northwest of Midway. At this point Nagumo was still far out of
search range.
However, the Midway
Group (Kondo)
was spotted that day by Catalinas at a distance of 700 miles (1130
km) and a bearing of 261 degrees from Midway. The initial flash
message, "Main Body", caused some brief concern that this was one
of Nagumo's carrier forces, but Nimitz concluded that this was Midway Occupation Force and
instructed Fletcher that Nagumo was still expected to approach
Midway from the northwest. Ugaki,
Yamamoto's chief of staff, was upset that the Midway Occupation Force had
been detected so early, but there seems to have been no thought
that this might require changing the operational plan.
Kondo's force was unsuccessfully attacked later in the afternoon by B-17s from Midway, which would chalk up zero successes in high-altitude bombing in this campaign. Enterprising ground crews improvised torpedo racks for the Catalinas, which which actually succeeded in putting a torpedo into tanker Akebono Maru in a night attack at 0230 the next morning. However, the tanker was only lightly damaged.
The Battle Opens. Catalinas
launched from Midway at 0415 on 4 June 1942 with orders to search
to 700 miles (1130 km) or until all four Japanese carriers were
located. They were then to take refuge at Laysan Atoll southeast
of Midway. At the same time, Midway's B-17s were launched with
orders to strike Midway
Occupation Force unless diverted against the Japanese
carriers. The remainder of Midway's striking power (6 TBF Avenger torpedo bombers, four B-26 Marauders fitted
with torpedoes, and 27 Marine SBD Dauntless and SB2U Vindicator dive bombers) stood ready
to launch at short notice, as did its fighter force of 28 F2A Buffalo and F4F Wildcat fighters.
Midway's strike would have to go in unescorted: All the fighters
were needed to defend the atoll. Furthermore, because of the
differences in cruise speeds of the various types of strike
aircraft, coordinating Midway's strike would be next to
Meanwhile Fletcher had maneuvered to be two hundred
miles north of Midway at dawn. He was counting on Midway's
Catalinas to locate the Japanese carriers, but he also launched a
"security" patrol of ten SBDs from Yorktown to search one hundred miles to his
north. After launching the search planes and a combat air patrol
of six fighters, he spotted a strike of 8 fighters, 17 dive
bombers, and 12 torpedo bombers. This constituted only a part of Yorktown's air group, since
Fletcher needed to be able to quickly respot the deck when his
search aircraft returned or if additional fighters were needed for
the combat air patrol. Spruance, meanwhile, had the full striking
power of Enterprise and
Hornet (120 aircraft)
spotted and ready to deliver a crushing blow to the first Japanese
carrier group sighted. A total of 51 fighters were allocated to
combat air patrol from the three carriers.
launched his first strike against Midway by 0445. This consisted
of 108 aircraft (36 D3A "Val"
dive bombers, 36 B5N "Kate"
torpedo bombers armed with bombs, and 36 A6M "Zero" fighters)
representing about half of his striking power. The remaining
aircraft (not including 21 Zeros being ferried to Midway) were
either assigned to the combat air patrol (12 Zeros) or were
standing by in the hangars of Nagumo's carriers (34 Vals, 43
Kates, and 24 Zeros), armed with torpedoes or ready to be armed
with armor-piercing bombs, in case an anti-shipping strike was
required. If an emergency arose, the 21 Zeros being ferried could
be added to the combat air patrol, and the escort Zeros from the
Midway strike could augment the task force defense once the strike
returned. Rather than launch the full complement of two of his
carriers, Nagumo launched half the complement of all four. This
was standard Japanese doctrine
and allowed a rapid launch and expert coordination of the strike,
but it also meant all four carriers would be occupied landing the
strike when it returned. This would prove crucial later in the
At the same time, Nagumo launched a search by two
Kates, four E13A "Jake"
seaplanes from cruisers Chikuma and Tone, and a single obsolescent E8N "Dave" from battleship Haruna to search the semicircle to the
east out to 300 miles. The number of search aircraft assigned was
so small that the coverage on the outward legs would overlap only
out to 150 miles, even in good visibility, and so the search would
not be complete until the aircraft had made their doglegs and were
halfway home. In addition, one of Tone's search planes was launched late, which
threw off the search pattern. One gets the impression that the
search was carried out perfunctorily, reflecting the Japanese
expectation that no American ships would yet be in the area. In
fact, one of the Jakes from Chikuma
flew almost directly over the Americans at 0630 but somehow failed
to detect the American force.
One of Nagumo's search planes was sighted by a
Catalina piloted by
LTG Howard G. Ady at 0523, and Ady sighted Nagumo's carriers seven
minutes later at a distance of 180 miles (290 km) and a bearing of
320 degrees from Midway. Midway immediately launched every
aircraft that could get into the air and redirected the B-17
strike against the Japanese carriers. Fletcher failed to pick up
the distance and bearing, and Ady, having spotted just two of
Nagumo's carriers, continued his search for the task force
containing the other two carriers, as instructed. At 0552 Fletcher
picked up a contact report on Nagumo's air strike from another
Catalina, which spotted the swarm of Japanese aircraft 150 miles
(240 km) from Midway at a bearing of 310 degrees. Fletcher also
copied the message to the B-17 force redirecting it against
Nagumo's carrier force. Ady's sighting was slightly off: Fletcher
was about 220 miles from the Japanese rather than the 200 reported
by the Catalinas. At this point Fletcher and Spruance were still
working under the assumption that Nagumo had split his force and
that a second undiscovered force of two carriers was further out
from Midway.
Fletcher continued recovering his search while
Spruance sprinted southwest to close to within 175 miles (280 km)
of the Japanese carriers, which was the maximum practical range of
his torpedo bombers and fighters. According to plan, Spruance
would ambush the two carriers attacking Midway while Fletcher
awaited the discovery of the second pair of carriers by the
Catalinas. Fletcher would then disable one of the second pair of
carriers with his strike while Spruance recovered and rearmed his
aircraft for the final blow. Should the second pair of carriers
not turn up, Fletcher had the option of adding his strike to
At 0620, the Zeros escorting Nagumo's strike
annihilated Midway's Marine fighter squadron, shooting down 16
Buffalos and Wildcats with little loss. Although postwar reports
are in serious disagreement, at least seven Japanese aircraft were
shot down (mostly by heavy antiaircraft
fire) and many others damaged; Willmott (1983) concludes that
losses over Midway must have been heavier than the Japanese were
ever willing to admit, and as many as two-thirds of the strike
aircraft may have been damaged or destroyed. The strike aircraft
inflicted heavy damage on the facilities, but failed to put the
airfield out of action. Nagumo had known since 0542 that he had
been spotted, and he braced for the inevitable counterattack from
Midway, launching some of the fighters that had been standing by
to escort any antishipping strike.
At 0700 Nagumo's strike leader, LT Tomonaga Joichi, sent a message indicating that a second strike was required. Five minutes later, the first Avengers and Marauders reached Nagumo's force. Five Avengers and two Marauders were shot down without scoring any hits, but their attack helped convinced Nagumo, who still did not suspect that American ships were nearby, to begin rearming the torpedo bombers in his reserve strike with high explosive bombs. This violated Yamamoto's orders, and the rearming of so many aircraft waiting in the hangars had only been tested once before, on Hiryu. The process would take two hours, giving Nagumo barely enough time to launch the second strike before his first strike, returning from Midway, needed to begin landing.
Spruance commenced launching his strike at 0700. The original plan called for the aircraft to form up after launch to ensure a coordinated attack. However, the mechanical failure of four dive bombers delayed the launch, and a new sense of urgency was felt at 0740, when Spruance's force was sighted by a Japanese search plane. Spruance abandoned the coordinated strike and the squadrons were ordered to depart separately as soon as they were airborne. The strike was further fragmented by the decision of the squadron leaders to head in different directions. The Enterprise torpedo bombers, which were very late getting into the air, headed well north of the rest of the Enterprise strike group, while the Hornet group headed even further to the north. Lundstrom (2006) speculates that Mitscher ordered his air group to head for the hypothetical location of the undiscovered second Japanese carrier group he believed to be trailing behind the two carriers already sighted.
The search plane responsible for spotting the
Americans was the one whose departure from Tone had been delayed, and,
ironically, it would likely have neatly circled the Americans
without spotting them if it had departed on schedule. It stumbled
across Spruance just after beginning its return leg. The pilot,
Amari Yoji, reported a force of ten surface ships 200 miles from
Nagumo at a bearing of 52 degrees, heading southeast at 20 knots.
Amari did a poor job of scouting throughout the battle, failing to
identify the presence of a carrier for almost an hour, though the
course and speed of the American ships should have been a dead
giveaway. The sighting of Spruance' force came as a serious jolt
to Nagumo. FIve minutes later Nagumo ordered those torpedo bombers
that had not been rearmed to retain their torpedoes and prepare to
attack the American ships. A few minutes later the Midway B-17s
attacked Nagumo's carriers, suffering no losses but scoring no
hits, and they were followed by the Marine dive bombers, which
attacked Hiryu and Haruna, scoring no hits and
losing almost half their numbers. At 0758 Amari reported that the
American force consisted of five destroyers and five cruisers.
Nagumo, unimpressed with the effectiveness of the American strikes
so far, decided to go ahead with the second Midway strike. Yamaguchi, commanding Hiryu and Soryu, strongly objected to this decision,
going so far as to spot his aircraft on deck for an antishipping
strike at 0820.
Meanwhile Fletcher, having recovered his search aircraft, was racing southwest after Spruance in case his strike was needed. By 0825 Fletcher was coming within attack range of Nagumo, but, still under the impression that a second force of two carriers was lurking undiscovered to the northwest, he decided to hold back a reserve of 17 dive bombers and six fighters. This left 17 dive bombers, 12 torpedo bombers, and six fighters for his strike. Fletcher trusted his radar to give warning of any Japanese attack in time to avoid being caught with the reserve aircraft fueled and armed on deck. Yorktown's strike commenced launching at 0838 and was instructed to make a running rendezvous on the way to its target for a coordinated attack.
At 0830 Amari finally reported the presence of a carrier in the American force. By now the aircraft returning from the Midway strike were circling the Japanese, many shot up or low on fuel. Nagumo's options were very constrained at this point. He could launch Yamaguchi's strike, but there were few fighters available for escort and it would take half an hour to finish arming and warming up the aircraft on Hiryu's flight deck. By that time aircraft from the first strike would be ditching for lack of fuel. However, the first American air attacks had been so ineffective that Kusaka and Genda Minoru, Nagumo's chief of staff and air operations officer, urged him to land the Midway strike at once, recycle the combat air patrol, finish rearming, and launch a "grand scale air attack" (quoted by Lundstrom 2006.) But this took a great deal of time, and a recent examination of Japanese records (Parshall and Tully 2006) shows that Nagumo still had at least an hour to go before he would be ready to launch his strike when the American carrier dive bombers arrived overhead.
It was at this point that Nagumo committed what
Willmott (1983) identified as his worst mistake of the battle:
Rather than open the range to the Americans while rearming his
aircraft, he ordered his force to close with the Americans. This
played into the hands of the Americans, whose aircraft were
significantly shorter-ranged than the Japanese aircraft.
Meanwhile, the strikes from Midway were followed by the first Devastator strikes from the American carriers. LCDR John Waldron, leading the Hornet's torpedo squadron, became frustrated with the air group commander for heading north of where the Japanese ought to be. He turned south, followed by Hornet's fighter squadron. The fighters ran low on fuel and turned back, all ten eventually ditching when they ran out of fuel. The dive bombers split up, one squadron turning southeast and the other continuing west with the air group commander, CDR Stanhope Ring. None of the dive bombers found a target, and fourteen ended up at Midway while the rest returned to Hornet. Waldron headed straight for Nagumo's force, beginning his attack at 0918. His squadron was massacred by the Japanese combat air patrol. By 0936 every plane in the squadron had been shot down. Only a single survivor remained to be rescued after the battle. Two minutes later the Enterprise torpedo squadron attacked and suffered a similar fate, losing all but four of their number and scoring no hits. At 1003 it was the turn of the Yorktown torpedo pilots. Unlike the other strikes, the Yorktown strike was well coordinated and its fighter squadron was positioned above the strike aircraft. But the swarms of Zeros soon had the Yorktown fighters fighting for survival while other Zeros shot down all but two of the torpedo bombers.
Seven Deadly
Minutes. Up to this point, the Japanese fighter cover
had massacred every strike thrown against Nagumo's force with
small loss to themselves. However, the Japanese fortunes were
about to change. Japanese fighter direction was primitive at this
point in the war, in part because the Japanese lacked radar and
few of the Zeros carried radio sets. The fighter umbrella became
scattered and disorganized repelling so many attacks arrived from
widely separated threat axes.
It was at this point (at about 1022) that the Yorktown and Enterprise dive bombers
arrived, within moments of each other and just as the surviving Yorktown's torpedo bombers
were were attempting to clear the area. The Enterprise group, originally
directed too far south and running low on fuel, had spotted
Japanese destroyer Arashi steaming at high
spead to the northeast. The Enterprise
air group commander, Wade McClusky, decided to follow. Her course
led straight to Nagumo, and the Enterprise
dive bombers approached the Japanese carriers at almost the same
moment as the Yorktown
dive bombers. Virtually the entire Japanese combat air patrol was
still at low altitude, and the scattered cloud cover hid the
approach of the American dive bombers until the last moment. There
was almost no defensive fire from the surprised Japanese
antiaircraft gunners as the Dauntlesses pushed over into their
dives. Within a period of just seven minutes Nagumo lost three of
his four carriers, and the Midway battle.
Most of the Enterprise dive bombers, 28 in all, went after the first carrier they encountered, Kaga, which was hit by perhaps ten bombs. These penetrated the flight deck and set off gasoline and munitions in the strike aircraft being readied in the hangars below. The explosions destroyed water mains and fire curtains and ensured that the fires could not be brought under control. Although the lower hull remained intact and buoyant, the upper decks were reduced to scrap and the ship was beyond repair even if she could have been towed back to Japan.
The commander of the Enterprise scouting squadron, LT Richad Best,
realized that Kaga was hors de combat and that the
neighboring carrier, Akagi, was not being
attacked. He and his two wingmen diverted to Akagi and made a textbook
attack. According Parshall and Tully's recent analysis, Akagi
succumbed to a single bomb that
penetrated the center of her flight deck and exploded among torpedo bombers being
refueled and rearmed on her hangar deck. A second hit mentioned in
older histories was in fact a very near miss astern. Like Kaga, Akagi was soon
hopelessly ablaze.
Meanwhile Max Leslie led the Yorktown dive bombers against Soryu to the north. Nine of the Dauntlesses scored three hits and doomed the carrier. The other four dive bombers diverted against screening ships but scored nothing more than some very near misses.
Within twenty minutes Nagumo was forced to evacuate
Akagi and move his flag
to light cruiser Nagara. Only Hiryu was still operational, and Yamaguchi
effectively took over the battle. He gathered up his screen and
began steaming at high speed to the northeast, towards Fletcher,
while preparing to launch his strike. Meanwhile Yamamoto tried to
salvage the battle by ordering Ryujo and Junyo from the Aleutians operation to race
south and reinforce Nagumo, but they were at least three days
away, and neither was a first-line carrier.
National Archives #80-G-312018
Counterblows. Fletcher
did not have a clear picture of Nagumo's dispositions or the
results of the American strikes when he learned at 1120 that his
force had been sighted. By this time his returning strike was
drawing near and would soon need to land. He had 17 SBDs in
reserve and still thought that two of Nagumo's carriers were
lurking undiscovered to the northwest. Fletcher launched ten of
the SBDs to search northwest and north and the six reserve
fighters to join the combat air patrol while he struck the others
below and landed his returning aircraft. In the rush of flight
operations, no one had the opportunity to report to Fletcher that
the Japanese force that had been attacked had included all four
carriers and that three had been knocked out.
With the American strikes expended and the American carriers recovering their aircraft, it was the turn of the Japanese. Willmott (1983) has criticized Yamaguchi's decision to attack rather than withdraw and attempt to regroup with Yamato and the Aleutians carrier group, but Yamaguchi was temperamentally almost incapable of such prudence. At 1050 Hiryu launched a strike of 18 Val escorted by six Zeros. A second scout plane, an experimental D4Y "Judy", had been shadowing Fletcher since 1045, and Yamaguchi had an excellent picture of the American dispositions. At this point Yamaguchi and Fletcher were just 95 miles (150 km) apart. The escorting Zeros let themselves be distracted by some stray Enterprise Dauntlesses and the Vals were left unescorted. They suffered terrible losses from the Wildcats and antiaircraft, but seven broke through and managed to put three bombs into Yorktown. One blew a hole in the flight deck and exploded in the hanger, setting fire to three SBDs, while the second exploded in the stack uptakes on the second deck, extinguishing all but one of the boilers. The third bomb penetrated the forward elevator and exploded on the third deck, starting a small fire. With most of her boilers out, the carrier was briefly out of action, and Fletcher transferred his flag to Astoria. However, by 1355 all but two of the boilers were relit, the fires had been extinguished, and the flight deck was being patched. By 1420 the ship could make fifteen knots. This was still not enough for safe flight operations, and the ten search aircraft were directed to land at Midway.
Yamaguchi was not finished. At 1331 he launched a
second strike of ten Kates escorted by six Zeros. By the time this
strike spotted Yorktown,
at 1430, she was steaming at twenty knots and the strike leader,
the same LT Tomonaga who had led the Midway strike, believed she
must be a different carrier from the one attacked earlier by the
Vals. Yorktown was
caught at a vulnerable moment, with just six fighters available
for local defense. Only two were able to intercept, and both were
shot down by the escorting Zeros after destroying a single Kate. Yorktown scrambled eight more
fighters, but they barely had time to intercept before the Kates
executed an anvil attack. With a speed of just twenty knots, Yorktown could not evade all
the torpedoes, and two struck the port side. Yorktown
rapidly developed a list of 25 degrees and was obviously in a bad
way. Fifteen minutes later her captain, Eliot Buckmaster, fearing
she was on the verge of capsizing, ordered her abandoned. By 1646
some 2280 men had been rescued from the stricken ship, crowding
the decks of the screening ships.
Spruance was shocked by the attack on Yorktown. Exaggerated pilot claims had left him believing all four Japanese carriers had been put out of action. His air groups had been savaged and his staff had botched the rendezvous with the returning aircraft (Point Option). Although he signaled Fletcher at 1145 that he was preparing to strike again, the strike had still not been launched by 1445, when one of Fletcher's search planes located Hiryu. However, by 1542 Enterprise had 25 Dauntlesses in the air, while Hornet began launching its force of 16 Dauntlesses at 1613. By 1700 they had found Hiryu, just as Yamaguchi was spotting six Vals and nine Zeros for yet another strike. Four bomb hits blew the forward elevator against the bridge and set the Japanese carrier blazing from bow to stern.
Naval History and Heritage Command
#NH 73065
Aftermath. Shortly
1900 both Soryu and Kaga sank. Akagi lasted until 0520 the
next morning, while Hiryu
did not sink until 0912.
Yamamoto tried to salvage something from the disaster by ordering his heavy surface units to race east to seek a night engagement. He planned a rendezvous 175 miles (280 km) northwest of Midway and just 100 miles (160 km) west of Yorktown. Here he would mass a force of two battleships, four heavy cruisers, one light cruiser, and seven destroyers with air cover from light carrier Zuiho. This was more than enough to overwhelm the Americans in a night surface battle. However, Spruance, to whom Fletcher had given tactical command at 1811, had wisely retired to the east, knowing that he had already won a great victory and there was little more he could accomplish that was worth risking his remaining carriers. He planned to turn back west in time to give Midway air cover at dawn if necessary. By 0255 on 5 June, Yamamoto realized that he would not get his night battle, and he ordered a general retirement rather than risk exposure to a dawn air attack.
Spruance planned to be 175 miles (280 km) northeast of Midway at first light on 5 June, where he could either attack any surviving Japanese carriers, protect Midway from an invasion, or pursue the fleeing enemy, as the situation required. His carriers had 65 Dauntlesses, 54 Wildcats, and three Devastators still operational, a force much reduced from the previous day but still formidable. However, at 0300 word came that Midway had been shelled by a submarine (I-168) and at 0217 submarine Tambor reported a number of surface ships 90 miles (145 km) west of Midway. Spruance was warned that Midway was about to be invaded, and he raced southwest to disrupt the landings. Midway prepared to launch 10 Catalinas and eight B-17s at first light to find and attack the force to the west, and English ordered his submarines to close on Midway and attack the invasion force.
In fact, Midway
Invasion Group had already turned back. It was the heavy cruisers of Kurita's Cruiser Division 7 that
had closed to within a hundred miles of Midway. At 0342, after the
Japanese cruisers received Yamamoto's recall order and turned away
to retire, Tambor was
sighted by lookouts. Kurita ordered an emergency turn, but Mogami
was slow to get the order and rammed Mikuma,
distorting her bow all the way to the first turret and reducing
her speed to 14 knots. Kurita ordered the slightly damaged Mikuma to escort Mogami out of the area, but
they were discovered at 0630 by the Catalinas. A force of six
Vindicators and six Dauntlesses flown by Marine pilots was
launched from Midway at 0700 and followed Mikuma's oil slick to the
target. None scored a hit, and one of the squadron leaders,
Richard Fleming, was shot down and crashed into the ocean (not one
of Mikuma's turrets, an
enduring myth of the battle.) Minutes later 8 B-17s dropped 39
500-pound (800-kg) bombs but missed with every one.
Spruance spent most of 5 June chasing shadows to the northwest of Midway. At 0700 a Catalina reported two cruisers 174 miles (280 km) at 286 degrees from Midway; this was Kurita's undamaged cruisers. At 0900 a Catalina reported a burning carrier, two battleships, and three or four cruisers 240 miles (390 km) at 324 degrees from Midway; the carrier was in the right position to be Hiryu, which had not yet sunk, but the description of the other ships matched Nagumo's screen, which had cleared the area by then. The carrier sighting was confirmed at 0853, but Spruance did not launch his strike of 65 Dauntlesses until 1513. The late launch was a consequence of the long distance to the target, the unfavorable light southeasterly wind, and a bizarre incident in which Spruance's borrowed chief of staff, CPT Miles Browning, wanted the strike armed with 1000 pound (454 kg) bombs that would leave them insufficient range to return. The aviators complained loudly to Spruance, who overruled the chief of staff, and Browning disappeared to sulk in his quarters. The aircraft found no target larger than destroyer Tanikaze, which neatly dodged the rain of bombs from the American aircraft.
National Archives #80-G-17054
After recovering his strike, Spruance reduced speed to conserve fuel, and by dawn on 6 June he was 340 northwest of Midway. A dawn search by 18 Dauntlesses was launched to search the western semicircle to 200 miles (320 km) while a strike was spotted on deck. At 0645 one of the search planes reported a carrier and five destroyers 128 miles (206 km) southwest and Spruance charged off to the attack. At 0730 another search plane reported two cruisers and two destroyers in the same general area. The message from the first pilot was misheard by his radio operator; he actually though he had seen a battleship and five destroyers. Mogami was so damaged that it looked like a smaller ship than its sister Mikuma. At 0757 a strike of 26 Dauntlesses roared off after the cruisers, attacking at 0950 and inflicting just two hits on Mogami. One aircraft was lost. At 0950 Spruance launched his reserve strike of 31 Dauntlesses and 3 Devastators, the latter with instructions to stay back if there was heavy antiaircraft fire; they were the only torpedo bombers Spruane had left. Given such instructions, the TBDs never attacked, but the dive bombers put two more bombs into Mogami and at least five into Mikuma, setting off her torpedo stores and dooming the cruiser. A strike at 1420 of 24 Dauntlesses and eight Wildcats put one more bomb into Mogami but could not finish here. She limped away but was so badly damaged that she would take over a year to repair.
The Japanese also got in some final blows as they
retreated. On the night of 6 June, General Clarence Tinker
personally led a flight of B-24
Liberators to knock out the Japanese air base on Wake. It was an overcast night,
preventing navigation by star sightings, and the aircraft never
found the island. Tinker's aircraft disappeared early in the
flight and was never seen again.
More grievous was the loss of Yorktown. The crippled
American carrier was sighted by Japanese cruiser seaplanes on 5 June and I-168 was ordered to close and attack.
Early in the afternoon of 6 June, as the Americans were getting
ready to rig a tow, I-168
succeeded in penetrating the American destroyer screen and putting
two more torpedoes into Yorktown.
Another torpedo sank destroyer Hammann, which was
alongside to assist with the salvage operation. Hammann sank almost at once
with heavy loss of life, further aggravated by the explosion of
her depth charges, which
in the confusion following the torpedoing were left armed and
exploded when the sinking destroyer reached their fuse depth.
These killed many survivors in the water and did enough additional
shock damage to Yorktown
to seal her fate. However, she remained stubbornly afloat until
the morning of 7 June, when she finally capsized.
Nimitz briefly considered sending the American
carrier forces north to the Aleutians, where the situation was
still unclear. However, with their air groups badly depleted and
their fuel supply critical, and fearing a trap, Nimitz ordered the
carriers back to Pearl Harbor on 11 June.
The battle was a decisive tactical and strategic
victory for the Americans. The Japanese lost four of their
first-line fleet carriers, a heavy cruiser, over 250
aircraft, and 3057 dead. These included 110 of their most
experienced air crew and hundreds of irreplaceable ground crew.
The Americans lost the Yorktown,
a destroyer, 144 aircraft, and 362 dead, including 104
aircrew. Instead of destroying the remnants of the Pacific
Fleet and threatening Hawaii, the Japanese had lost the strategic
initiative. The battle restored the balance of power in the
Pacific and prepared the way for the American counteroffensive at
Guadalcanal. As
Willmott (1983) notes, not a single ship in Yamamoto's armada
would survive the war.
One of the myths of the battle is that the Japanese
suffered catastrophic losses in their naval air arm. The casualty
figures show that their losses were only slightly greater than
those of the Americans, and represented less than a quarter of the
aircrew assigned to 1 Air Fleet.
The worst losses were the carrier ground crews and the carriers
themselves. Their loss forced most of the Japanese Navy's pilots
to operate off of primitive land bases with poorly maintained
aircraft during the decisive South Pacific campaign, in which the
Japanese Navy's air power would be ground down by attrition.
(Yamamoto) |
Force (Komatsu)
CL Katori (at Kwajalein) |
Submarine Squadron 3 (deployed between
20N 166.33W and 23.5N 166.33W)
I-168 |
I-169 | |||||||
I-171 | |||||||
I-174 | |||||||
I-175 | |||||||
5 (deployed between 28.33N 162.33W and 26N
165W) |
I-156 |
I-157 | |||||||
I-158 | |||||||
I-159 | |||||||
I-162 |
I-164 | Sunk |
I-165 | |||||||
I-166 | |||||||
13 (Transporting aviation fuel and fuel oil to Lisianski
Island and French
Shoals) |
I-121 | |||||||
I-122 | |||||||
I-123 | |||||||
Mobile Force (Nagumo) |
Carrier Division 1 (Nagumo) | |||||||
CV Akagi |
Sunk |
21 A6M Zero |
21 D3A Val |
21 B5N Kate |
CV Kaga |
Sunk |
30 A6M Zero | |||||||
23 D3A Val | |||||||
30 B5N Kate | |||||||
2 (Yamaguchi) |
CV Hiryu |
Sunk |
21 A6M Zero | |||||||
21 D3A Val | |||||||
21 B5N Kate | |||||||
CV Soryu |
Sunk |
21 A6M Zero | |||||||
21 D3A Val | |||||||
21 B5N Kate | |||||||
8 (Abe) |
CA Tone |
CA Chikuma | |||||||
3, Second Section |
BB Haruna |
BB Kirishima | |||||||
10 (Kimura) |
CL Nagara |
10 |
DD Kazagumo |
DD Yugumo | |||||||
DD Makigumo | |||||||
DD Akigumo | |||||||
17 |
DD Isokaze | |||||||
DD Urakaze | |||||||
DD Hamakaze | |||||||
DD Tanikaze | |||||||
4 |
DD Arashi | |||||||
DD Nowaki | |||||||
DD Hagikaze | |||||||
DD Maikaze | |||||||
Unit |
AO Kyokuto Maru |
AO Shinkoku Maru |
AO Toho Maru | |||||||
AO Nippon Maru | |||||||
AO Kokuyo Maru | |||||||
Force (Kondo) |
Covering Group (Kondo) | |||||||
4, First Section |
CA Atago |
CA Chokai | |||||||
5 (Takagi) |
CA Myoko |
CA Haguro | |||||||
3, First Section (Mikawa) |
BB Kongo |
BB Hiei | |||||||
4 (Nishimura) |
CL Yura |
2 |
DD Murasame |
DD Harusame | |||||||
DD Yudachi | |||||||
DD Samidare | |||||||
9 |
DD Asagumo |
DD Minegumo | |||||||
DD Natsugumo | |||||||
Unit |
AO Genyo Maru | |||||||
AO Kenyo Maru | |||||||
AO Sata |
AO Tsurumi |
AR Akashi |
CVL Zuiho |
12 A6M Zero | |||||||
11 D3A Val | |||||||
DD Mikazuki |
Support Group (Kurita) |
Cruiser Division 7 (Kurita) | |||||||
CA Suzuya |
CA Kumano | |||||||
CA Mogami | Severely damaged |
CA Mikuma | Sunk |
DD Asashio |
DD Arashio | |||||||
AO Nichiei Maru | |||||||
(Tanaka) |
Transporting a total of about
5000 troops |
Destroyer Squadron 2 (Tanaka) | |||||||
CL Jintsu |
DD Kuroshio |
DD Oyashio | |||||||
DD Hatsukaze | |||||||
DD Yukikaze | |||||||
DD Amatsukaze | |||||||
DD Tokitsukaze | |||||||
DD Kasumi | |||||||
DD Arare | |||||||
DD Kagero | |||||||
DD Shiranuhi | |||||||
AO Akebono Maru |
Slightly damaged |
PB-1 |
three patrol boats carried the SNLF
assault elements |
PB-2 | |||||||
PB-34 | |||||||
AP Argentina Maru
(12,755 tons, 20 knots) |
AP Brazil Maru (12,752
tons, 21 knots) |
AP Azuma Maru (6646 tons,
16.5 knots) |
AP Hokuriku Maru (8360
tons, 16.0 knots) |
AP Kano Maru (8572 tons,
16.5 knots) |
AP Kirishima Maru (8121
tons, 15.5 knots) |
AP Kiyozumi Maru (8614
tons, 16.5 knots) |
AP Meiyo Maru |
AP Nankai Maru (8416
tons, 16 knots) |
AP Toa Maru (6732 tons,
15 knots) |
AP Toa Maru #2 (6732
tons, 15 knots) |
AP Yamafuku Maru |
5 Kure SNLF |
5 Yokosuka SNLF | |||||||
Detachment |
Built around 28 Infantry Regiment | ||||||
2 labor battalions |
(Fujita) |
CVS Chitose |
seaplanes |
CVS Kamikawa Maru |
seaplanes |
DD Hayashio |
PB-35 | |||||||
Group |
AM Taka Maru #3 |
AM Taka Maru #5 |
AM Showa Maru #7 |
AM Showa Maru #8 | |||||||
SC Ch-16 |
SC Ch-17 | |||||||
SC Ch-18 | |||||||
AE Soya |
AK Meiyo Maru |
AK Yamafuku Maru |
Main Body (Yamamoto) | |||||||
Battleship Division 1 (Yamamoto) | |||||||
BB Yamato |
BB Mutsu |
BB Nagato | |||||||
CVL Hosho |
8 B5N Kate | |||||||
DD Yukikaze |
CVS Chiyodo |
MTB and 6 midget submarines |
CVS Nisshin |
3 (Hashimoto;
some elements escorting Aleutian Screening Detachment) |
CL Sendai |
11 |
DD Fubuki |
DD Shirayuki | |||||||
DD Hatsuyuki | |||||||
DD Murakumo | |||||||
19 |
DD Isonami | |||||||
DD Uranami | |||||||
DD Shikinami | |||||||
DD Ayanami | |||||||
20 |
DD Amagiri | |||||||
DD Asagiri | |||||||
DD Yugiri | |||||||
DD Shirakumo | |||||||
Detachment (Takasu) |
2 |
BB Ise |
BB Hyuga | |||||||
BB Fuso |
BB Yamashiro | |||||||
9 (Kishi) |
CL Oi |
CL Kitakami | |||||||
AO Toki Maru |
AO Naruto |
AO San Clemente Maru (8366
tons, 12 knots) |
AO Toa Maru |
(Nimitz) |
Force (Fletcher)
Task Force 17 (Fletcher) | ||||||
Group 17.5 |
CV Yorktown |
Sunk |
VF-3 |
25 F4F-4 Wildcat | |||||||
VB-3 |
18 SBD-3 Dauntless |
VS-5 |
19 SBD-3 Dauntless
VT-3 |
13 TBD-1 Devastator |
Group 17.2 (Smith) |
CA Astoria |
CA Portland | |||||||
Group 17.4 |
DD Hammann |
Sunk |
DD Hughes | |||||||
DD Morris | |||||||
DD Anderson | |||||||
DD Russell | |||||||
DD Gwin |
Force 16 (Spruance) |
Group 16.5 |
CV Enterprise |
VF-6 |
27 F4F-4 Wildcat | |||||||
VB-6 |
19 SBD Dauntless | |||||||
VS-6 |
19 SBD Dauntless | |||||||
VT-6 |
14 TBD-1 Devastator | |||||||
CV Hornet |
VF-8 |
27 F4F-4 Wildcat | |||||||
VB-8 |
19 SBD Dauntless | |||||||
VS-8 |
18 SBD Dauntless | |||||||
VT-8 |
15 TBD-1 Devastator | |||||||
Group 16.2 (Kinkaid) |
CA New Orleans |
CA Minneapolis | |||||||
CA Vincennes | |||||||
CA Northampton |
CA Pensacola |
Atlanta |
Group 16.4 |
1 |
DD Phelps |
DD Worden |
DD Monaghan | |||||||
DD Aylwin | |||||||
6 |
DD Balch | |||||||
DD Conyngham |
DD Benham |
DD Ellet | |||||||
DD Maury |
Group |
AO Cimarron |
AO Platte | |||||||
DD Dewey |
DD Monssen |
(English) |
Group 7.1 Midway Patrol Group |
SS Cachalot |
SS Flying Fish |
SS Tambor |
SS Trout | |||||||
SS Grayling | |||||||
SS Nautilus |
SS Grouper | |||||||
SS Dolphin |
SS Gato | |||||||
SS Cuttlefish | |||||||
SS Gudgeon | |||||||
SS Grenadier | |||||||
Group 7.2 "Roving Short-Stops" |
SS Narwhal | |||||||
SS Plunger |
SS Trigger | |||||||
Group 7.3 North of Oahu Patrol |
SS Tarpon | |||||||
SS Pike | |||||||
SS Finback | |||||||
SS Growler | |||||||
(at Midway) |
32 PBY Catalina |
From Patwing 1 and Patwing 2 |
6 TBF Avenger |
From VT-8 |
Group 22 |
VMF-221 |
20 F2A Buffalo |
7 F4F-3 Wildcat |
VMSB-241 |
11 SB2U-3 Vindicators |
16 SB-2 Dauntless | |||||||
Air Force (Hale) |
4 B-26 Marauder |
19 B-17 Flying
Fortresses |
Defenses |
6 Marine Defense
Battalion |
Marine Raider
Battalion |
Torpedo Boat Squadron 1 |
8 PT
(Midway) |
2 PT
(Kure) |
4 PC |
AVD Thornton (at French Frigate
Shoals) |
AVD Ballard (at French Frigate Shoals) | |||||||
DD Clark (at French Frigate Shoals) | |||||||
AO Kaloli (Pearl and
Hermes Reef) |
YP Crystal (Pearl and
Hermes Reef) |
AM Vireo (Pearl and
Hermes Reef) |
4 PY
at Lisianski, Gardner Pinnacles, Laysan and Necker |
Fueling Unit |
AO Guadalupe |
DD Blue |
DD Ralph Talbot |
In the month following the battle, an additional three runways
were built on Sand Island, two of 7500 foot (2300 meter) length
and a third of 8600 foot (2600 meter) length. A submarine base was
completed in the spring of 1943 on Eastern Island and a second
breakwater constructed south of Sand Island to create a protected
submarine basin. In 1944 seven submarine and two tender piers were
constructed in the submarine basin. The island remained a U.S.
military base until 1993 and is now a wildlife refuge.
The Pacific War Online Encyclopedia © 2007-2010, 2012, 2016, 2017 by Kent G. Budge. Index