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Manchuria is located south of eastern Siberia
and north of Korea,
and is today the northernmost
part of China. Its boundaries remained
ill-defined in 1941, but the three modern provinces of northeast China
have an area of about 304,000 square miles (787,300 km2). The region is dominated by a central plain reaching from the Yellow Sea to the south to the Amur River to the north. To the southeast is Korea, with the Yalu River marking part of the boundary and the rest of the boundary passing through the Chingbai Mountains. Eastern Manchuria, a region of heavily forested hills and swampy valleys, borders on the Russian Far East. The central plain is frigid and dry in the winter and hot and humid in the summer, with a pronounced monsoon in late summer that produces heavy rain. Western Manchuria takes in part of the Mongolian
Plateau and is separated from the central plain by the Greater Khingan
Mountains, which reach to over 6000' (2000 m). The
western slopes of the Greater Khingan Mountains are almost bare, while
eastern slopes are more wooded and characterized by black soil
unsuitable for heavy traffic. Northeast Manchuria is separated from the
central plain by the Lesser Khingan Mountains, which are rugged and
heavily forested.
Manchuria is remarkably similar to New England in its native vegetation but experiences much colder winter temperatures. It is also rich in resources, including lumber (it was 36% forested in 1941), arable farmland, iron ore, coal, and aluminiferous shale. There was considerable hydroelectric potential along the Yalu River, which forms part of the border with Korea, and in the mountains to the north.
The Manchu (Tsing or Qing) dynasty that seized control
of China in 1644 found itself repeatedly clashing with Russian settlers
and Cossack cavalry in the Amur
River basin, but since both powers had more serious preoccupations
elsewhere, the boundary was fixed along the Amur River by treaty in 1689. Thereafter Russia was the only foreign power formally recognized by the Chinese until 1860.
The slow decline of the Manchu court, particularly following the Opium
War of 1840, the Taiping Revolution of 1850 to 1864, and the Boxer
Rebellion of 1898-1901, created a power vacuum in Manchuria. The area was still rather thinly
settled at the start of the 20th century, but it was a rich prize.
Both Russia
and Japan coveted
Manchurian resources
and saw the region as an
important buffer from the other power. Both forced
concessions from the
Chinese, who were largely powerless to resist this
encroachment. The
Russo-Japanese War of 1905 finally placed Manchuria firmly in the
sphere of influence, though it remained nominally a part of China.
Secret agreements with the Russians, on 30 July 1907 and in 1910,
further clarified the respective Soviet and Japanese claims and pledged
the two powers to cooperate in excluding other powers from Manchuria. The United States, which had proposed the internationalization of the Manchurian rail
system, was the primary target of this agreement. The Lansing-Ishii
agreement of 1917 was an acknowledgement by the U.S. that Japan had a
special position in Manchuria because of its "territorial propinquity"
to east Asia.
The Kwantung Army
began developing plans to separate Manchuria from China in 1912, though
these plans were initially thwarted by the civilian government in
Tokyo. However, on 4 June 1928, officers
of the Kwantung
Army led by Colonel
Komoto Daisaku set a bomb on the
South Manchurian Railroad
that destroyed the rail car of Chang Tso-lin, the warlord of Manchuria.
The assassination of Chang had tacit support from high levels in the
Army and even the civilian Cabinet, and was intended to provide an
excuse for the Japanese to overrun Manchuria. Although details of the
bomb plot were soon leaked to Japanese newspapers, the Army
successfully stonewalled the investigation by threatening to pull the
War Minister out of the Cabinet. Komoto was quietly forced into
retirement, and Chang's son, Chang Hsueh-liang, took control of
In October 1928, Colonel Ishiwara Kanji became the
operations officer of Kwantung Army.
He was joined by Lieutenant Colonel Itagaki Seishiro in mid-1929
as the ranking staff officer. The two men began planning a Japanese
takeover of Manchuria. Other officers were brought into the plot, which
depended on rapidly destroying Chang's headquarters in Mukden. Their plans came to fruition
on 18 September 1931, when they staged an incident on the Manchurian
Railroad as a casus belli.
The Kwantung Army quickly
seized Mukden, forcing Chang to withdraw from Manchuria with the bulk
of his forces, and Manchuria was overrun by the Japanese within two
weeks. The Japanese Army again threatened to bring down the Cabinet if
it tried to interfere with Army operations in Manchuria. Henry Pu-Yi,
deposed last emperor of China, was brought in as head of the new puppet
of Manchukuo. Few other powers recognized Manchukuo, and the
League of Nations
condemned the Japanese action. Japan responded by withdrawing
from the League. Ishiwara and Itagaki became heroes within the Army,
but their action had alienated Japan from much of the world community
and had left Kwantung Army
with the task of defending an ill-defined 3000-mile border with a
hostile and military resurgent Russia.
Manchuria was heavily exploited during
rule, becoming a second industrial heartland for the Japanese.
Japanese planners had calculated than Japan itself had 31% too many
farmers for the land available,
and under the "Plan for the Settlement of One Million Households over
Twenty Years", large
numbers of poor Japanese families emigrated to Manchuria. The Japanese
immigrants found that their new homeland was already populated by
hostile Chinese (numbering over 30 million)
whose land had been forcibly purchased for the settlers by the Japanese
colonial office. The Japanese villages were often attacked by "bandits."
The Japanese were joined by many immigrants from other parts of China who saw better economic opportunities under the Japanese than under their own weak government. Chinese farm laborer immigrants, mostly from impoverished Shantung and Hopei provinces, numbered no less than half a million per year every year in the 1930s. In a curious role reversal, the Japanese immigrants, many of whom had been sharecroppers in Japan, tended to hire the Chinese as farm laborers.
Japan maintained a large garrison in Manchuria against the possibility of either a Russian invasion or a Russian collapse, and the Japanese Army virtually ran the province. This hindered development, as the Army started with a poor understanding of economics and had a slow learning curve. Nonetheless, production of pig iron peaked at 2.5 million tons per year.
Instrumental in running Manchukuo in the late 193os were the ni ki, san suke ("two k's, three suke") of Tojo Hideki, head of the Kempeitei of the Kwantung Army; Hoshino Naoki, supervisor of economic affairs of Manchukuo; Matsuoka Yosuke, president of the South Manchurian Railway; Kishi Nobosuke, Hoshino's assistant; and Aikawa Yoshisuke, head of the Manchurian Heavy Industries Development Corporation. Tojo purged Kwantung Army of the Imperial Way Faction (Kōdōha), briefly succeeded in suppressing corruption through strict enforcement of military law, and would later become the wartime prime minister of Japan. Yosuke would become the foreign minister of Japan and negotiate the Russo-Japanese Non-Aggression Pact.
Because of the Russian threat, the Japanese kept
Manchuria heavily garrisoned until late in the Pacific War, when the
desperate need for troops to hold off the Allied counteroffensive caused
the Japanese Army to repeatedly pull reserves
from Kwantung Army. By August
1945 Kwantung Army had become
a hollow shell.
Russia overran Manchuria in a lightning campaign in August 1945, after the atomic bomb had been dropped on Hiroshima. Three Russian armies of 1.5 million men organized into 83 divisions, equipped with 3704 tanks and 1852 self-propelled guns supported by 500 aircraft, stormed across the border from north, west, and east. The Russians crushed the defending forces, which had been depleted to provide replacements and reinforcements in the Pacific and the Japanese homeland, in less than two weeks.
The Russian operational plan for Manchuria proper called for three main thrusts. The Trans-Baikal Front (Malinovsky) attacked from the Mongolian desert west of Manchuria, sweeping past the border defenses to cross the Grand Khingan Mountains into central Manchuria. 1 Far Eastern Front (Meretskov) simultaneously attacked across the rugged terrain of east Manchuria towards Mutanchiang. 2 Far Eastern Front (Purkaev) attacked northern Manchuria, primarily as a holding action.
The attack commenced shortly after midnight on 9 August 1945. The Japanese were caught entirely by surprise, in spite of reports from the consulate in Chita
of a great increase in rail traffic and signals intelligence pointing
to a Russian offensive. The General Staff could do little to
bolster the Manchurian defenses given the critical situation in the
Pacific, and, in an astonishing display of wishful thinking, ignored the
danger. The Russians ensured that the Japanese would remain complacent
with their maskirova, or deception plan, which included careful
measures to conceal Russian preparations. Russian troops moved into
their jumping off points only at night, and behind masking walls and
overhead covers. So great was Japanese complacence that, in an
astonishing parallel to the Germans at Normandy, the commander of 5 Army had called all his senior commanders away to a table top exercise the night of the attack.
The Japanese had counted on heavy fortifications on their frontiers
to cover any likely Russian axis of attack and hold the Russians long
enough to organize a solid defense. However, the Russians had
meticulously planned their operation, which
called for massive artillery and
air support and rapid thrusts led by
powerful armored units, which would advance through terrain the Japanese
thought unsuitable for mechanized operation and bypass the Japanese
strong points.
Heavy rain the night of 8-9 August helped conceal the initial Russian movements on the eastern border, and many Russian commanders here chose to cancel the preparatory artillery barrages in order to increase the element of surprise. This proved devastatingly effective. Some Russian units advanced fifty miles in the first two and a half days, disrupting Japanese command and control and giving the Japanese no opportunity to organize a meaningful defense. Commanders lost contact with their forward units almost at once, and premature demolition of bridges trapped retreating Japanese. Isolated Japanese strong points were mopped up by the second Russian echelon. supported by direct fire from 152mm self-propelled guns.
Russian engineering support was crude but effective. In the forested swamps northeast of Khanka Lake, tanks led the way, knocking down trees that were then gathered by the supporting infantry and worked into crude corduroy roads by engineers. The roads were further widened and improved by successive echelons in the advance. River crossings were supplied with a limited number of A-3 assault boats, but most troops were expected to construct their own rafts, as they had in Europe. The Russians showed an impressive mastery of close cooperation between armor, infantry, artillery, and engineers, learned the hard way in the war against the Germans.
Japanese resistance was sometimes locally ferocious. At Maly Huankang (133.006E 45.226N), Russian forces were held up by fire from an armored tower that had to be destroyed by direct fire by heavy artillery guns. The heaviest fighting of the campaign took place around Mutanchiang, which fell on the evening of 15 August 1945.
In western Manchuria, the Russian forces would have to cross the Grand
Khingan Mountains. Though these were not particularly high, they were
rugged, with many defiles and gullies and with only a few narrow passes,
most of which had no road. Only two were considered usable by the
Japanese for invasion. The first ran from Handagai to Solunshan and the second from Hailar to Tsitsihar. The Japanese naturally concentrated their defenses in these passes, but the
Russians bypassed the fortified passes with their armored spearheads
and isolated the Japanese garrisons. This stretched Russian logistics, particularly in fuel and maps, to the limit; but Japanese resistance away from the fortified passes was all but nonexistent,
and the Russians were able to work their way through the mountains,
reaching Solunshan on 12 August and breaking into the central Manchurian
plain. 107 Division,
the main force guarding the southern passes, fought bravely but in vain, and was
shattered by 15 August. The survivors withdrew into the mountains and
ultimately surrendered to 221 Rifle Division.
Hailar was invested and bypassed by 11 August.The retreating 119 Division was driven out of Yakoshin (120.714E 49.267N) by 13 August and could not hold at Wunuerh (121.048E 49.077N). By 17 August, 36 Army had reached Pokatu (121.904E 48.743N) and poised to advance on Tsitsihar.
Russian forces of 15 Army attacked towards Chiamussu, primarily to pin down the Japanese forces in the area. These were build around 134 Division and 14 Border Guard Brigade. The Japanese abandoned Tungchiang (132.496E 47.642N) on 10 August, and the Russians were able to make effective use of elements of Amur River Flotilla to bypass resistance in the swampy valley of the Sungari River, taking Fuchin on 13 August and reaching Chiamussu on 16 August.
The campaign in Manchuria was carried out simultaneously with an attack on Karafuto and landings in the Kuriles.
These were not as successful as the campaign in Manchuria. The attack
on Karafuto was channeled into a narrow valley that the Japanese had
heavily fortified, and the amphibious landings in the Kuriles and in
support of the Karafuto attack were hampered by the inexperienced of the
Russians in amphibious assault and by a lack of amphibious shipping. The Russian landing forces were carried on trawlers and other improvised transports and escorted by escort cutters, torpedo cutters,
and other auxiliaries. The landings would not have been possible had
Japan's navy not already been all but destroyed by the Americans.
The fighting did not end until 19 August 1945, when the fortress of Hutou, which had been isolated on the first day of the campaign, surrendered. The Russians inflicted 674,000 Japanese casualties, including 84,000 killed, at a cost of 12,031 dead and 24,425 sick or wounded. American researchers estimate that the Soviets captured 2,726,000 Japanese nationals during the campaign, of which only a third were military. Of these, 2,379,000 eventually returned to Japan. Some 254,000 were confirmed dead, and the remaining 93,000 were presumed dead.
Of the 220,000 Japanese farmers who had emigrated to Manchuria, about
80,000 died during the harsh winter of 1945-1946. Some 11,000 were
killed by vengeful Chinese, some committed suicide, and 67,000 starved. The 140,000 survivors were eventually returned to Japan.
The Russians turned Manchuria over to the Chinese three weeks after the end of hostilities, but not before removing most of the industrial plant and giving the arms surrendered by the Japanese to the Chinese Communists.
Soviet Forces Far East (Vasilevsky) | |||||
Front (Malinovsky:
West Manchuria and Inner Mongolia
) |
654,040 men. Ordered to attack
Manchuria. |
17 Army
(Danilov) |
Division 278 Division 284 Division 70 Separate Tank Battalion 82 Separate Tank Battalion |
36 Army
(Luchinsky) |
2 Rifle
Corps (Lopatin) |
103 Division 275 Division 292 Division |
86 Rifle
Corps (Revunenkov) |
94 Division 210 Division |
Group |
293 Division 298 Division |
205 Tank
Brigade 33 Separate Tank Battalion 35 Separate Tank Battalion 68 Engineer Sapper Brigade 4 artillery regiments 3 mortar regiments 1 rocket regiment |
39 Army
(Lyudnikov) |
5 Guards
Rifle Corps (Bezugly) |
17 Guards Division 19 Guards Division 91 Guards Division |
94 Rifle
Corps (Popov) |
124 Division 221 Division 358 Division |
Rifle Corps (Oleshev) |
192 Division 262 Division 338 Division |
61 Tank
Division 44 Tank Brigade 206 Tank Brigade 32 Engineer Sapper Brigade 5 Artillery Penetration Corps 3 regiments of self-propelled guns 1 artillery brigade 4 artillery regiments 1 mortar regiment 4 rocket regiments |
53 Army
(Managarov) |
Guards Rifle Corps (Afonin) |
1 Guards Airborne Division 109 Guards Division 110 Guards Division |
49 Rifle
Corps (Terent'ev) |
6 Division 243 Division |
57 Rifle
Corps (Safiulin) |
52 Division 203 Division |
Engineer Sapper Brigade |
6 Guards
Tank Army (Kravchenko) |
5 Guards
Tank Corps (Savel'ev) |
20 Guards Tank Brigade 21 Guards Tank Brigade 22 Guards Tank Brigade 6 Guards Motorized Brigade |
9 Guards
Mechanized Corps (Volkov) |
18 Guards Mechanized Brigade 30 Guards Mechanized Brigade 31 Guards Mechanized Brigade 46 Guards Tank Brigade |
7 Guards
Mechanized Corps (Katkov) |
16 Mechanized Brigade 63 Mechanized Brigade 64 Mechanized Brigade 41 Guards Tank Brigade |
Motorized Rifle Division 57 Motorized Rifle Division 4 Guards Motorcycle Regiment 1 Separate Tank Battalion 2 Separate Tank Battalion 3 Separate Tank Battalion 4 Separate Tank Battalion 8 Motorized Engineer Brigade 22 Motorized Engineer Brigade |
Group (Pliyev) |
59 Cavalry Division 25 Mechanized Brigade 27 Motorized Brigade 43 Tank Brigade 30 Mongolian Regiment 5 Mongolian Cavalry Division 6 Mongolian Cavalry Division 7 Mongolian Cavalry Division 8 Mongolian Cavalry Division 7 Motorized Armored Brigade (Mongolian) 3 Separate Tank Regiment (Mongolian) |
Division 317 Division 1 Parachute Battalion 2 Parachute Battalion 111 Tank Division 201 Tank Brigade |
12 Air
Army (Khudiakov) |
6 Bomber
Corps (Skok) |
326 Bomber Division 334 Bomber Division |
7 Bomber
Corps (Ushakov) |
118 Bomber Division 179 Bomber Division |
Bomber Division 247 Bomber Division 248 Assault Division 316 Assault Division 190 Fighter Division 245 Fighter Division 246 Fighter Division 21st Guards Transport Division 54 Transport Division 12 Reconnaissance Regiment 368 Fighter Regiment 541st Bomber Regiment 257 Transport Regiment 23 Separate Heavy Bomber Squadron |
1 Far East Front (Meretskov: East Manchuria and North Korea ) | 586,589 men. Ordered to drive on
Mukden, Harbin,
and Jilin. |
1 Red
Banner Army (Beloborodov; west of Lake Khanka) |
26 Rifle
Corps (Skvortsov) |
22 Division 59 Division 300 Division |
59 Rifle
Corps (Ksenofontov) |
39 Division 231 Division 365 Division |
75 Tank
Brigade 77 Tank Brigade 257 Tank Brigade 48 Tank Regiment 12 Engineer Sapper Brigade 27 Engineer Sapper Brigade 3 artillery brigades 3 self-propelled artillery regiments 1 mortar regiment 2 rocket regiments |
5 Army
(Krylov; at Ussurijsk?) |
17 Rifle
Corps (Nikitin) |
187 Division 366 Division |
45 Rifle
Corps (Ivanov) |
157 Division 159 Division 184 Division |
65 Rifle
Corps (Perekrestov) |
97 Division 144 Division 190 Division 371 Division |
72 Rifle
Corps (Kazartsev) |
63 Division 215 Division 277 Division |
72 Tank
Brigade 76 Tank Brigade 208 Tank Brigade 210 Tank Brigade 218 Tank Brigade 20 Motorized Assault Engineer Sapper Brigade 23 Engineer Sapper Brigade 63 Engineer Sapper Brigade 46 Motorized Engineer Brigade 55 Pontoon Bridge Battalion 16 artillery brigades 6 self-propelled artillery regiments 4 mortar brigades 9 rocket regiments |
25 Army
(Chistyakov) |
39 Rifle
Corps (Morozov) |
40 Division 384 Division 386 Division |
Division 259 Tank Brigade 100 Engineer Battalion 222 Engineer Battalion 143 Sapper Battalion |
35 Army
(Zakhvatayev; at Khabarovsk?) |
Division 264 Division 363 Division 125 Tank Brigade 209 Tank Brigade 280 Engineer Battalion 2 artillery brigades 1 mortar brigade 1 rocket regiment |
Operational Group (Zaitsev) |
Division 355 Division |
Units |
87 Rifle
Corps (Khetagurov) |
342 Division 345 Division |
88 Rifle
Corps (Loviagin) |
105 Division 258 Division 84 Cavalry Division |
Mechanized Corps (Vasil'ev) |
42 Mechanized Brigade 72 Mechanized Brigade 204 Tank Brigade 11 Pontoon Bridge Brigade 5 Pontoon Bridge Battalion 30 Pontoon Bridge Battalion |
9 Air
Army (Sokolov) |
19 Bomber Corps (Volkov) |
33 Bomber Division 55 Bomber Division |
34 Bomber Division 251 Assault Division 252 Assault Division 32 Fighter Division 249 Fighter Division 250 Fighter Division 6 Reconnaissance Aviation Regiment 799 Reconnaissance Aviation Regiment 464 Reconnaissance Correction Regiment 281 Transport Regiment |
2 Far East Front (Purkayev: Northern Manchuria ) | 337,096 men. Ordered to support
other fronts
while sending a column towards Peiping. |
2 Red Banner Army (Terêkhin) | |||||
Division 12 Division 396 Division 368 Mountain Regiment 73 Tank Brigade 74 Tank Brigade 258 Tank Brigade 10 Pontoon Bridge Battalion 277 Engineer Battalion |
15 Army
(Mamonov) |
Division 255 Division 361 Division 388 Division 165 Tank Brigade 171 Tank Brigade 203 Tank Brigade 10 Pontoon Bridge Brigade 21 Motorized Assault Engineer Sapper Brigade 101 Engineer Battalion 129 Engineer Battalion 6 artillery regiments 2 mortar regiments 2 rocket regiments |
16 Army
(Cheremisov) |
Ordered to seize Karafuto |
56 Rifle
Corps (D'iakonov) |
5 Brigade 113 Brigade 432 Regiment 540 Regiment 206 Battalion 214 Tank Brigade 178 Tank Battalion 678 Tank Battalion |
Units |
5 Rifle
Corps (Pashkov) |
35 Division 390 Division 172 Division |
Brigade |
Defense Region (Gnechko) |
101 Division 198 Regiment 5 Battalion 7 Battalion |
Motorized Engineer Brigade |
10 Air
Army (Zhigarev) |
18 Mixed
Aviation Corps (Niukhtilin) |
96 Assault Division 296 Fighter Division |
Bomber Division 128 Mixed Aviation Division 255 Mixed Aviation Division 253 Assault Division 29 Fighter Division 254 Fighter Division 7 Reconnaissance Division 411 Reconnaissance Correction Regiment 344 Transport Regiment |
Flotilla (Antonov) |
Army (Yamada) |
Total strength 713,724 men. All strengths below are relative to 12 Division in 1937. |
1 Area
Army (Kita; at Mutanchiang) |
Division (Akashika) |
At 35% strength |
Division (Izeki; at Chiamussu) |
At 15% strength |
Division (Tominaga) |
At 15% strength |
Independent Engineer Regiment |
3 Army (Murakami) |
132 Independent Mixed Brigade |
At 15% strength |
101 Mixed Regiiment | ||||
79 Division (Ota) |
At 15% strength |
112 Division (Nakamura) |
At 35% strength |
127 Division (Koga) |
At 20% strength |
128 Division (Mizuhara) |
At 20% strength |
5 Army (Shimizu; at Yehho [124.538E 42.946N]) |
18 Engineer Regiment |
Road bridge construction |
124 Division (Shina; at Pamientung [Muling; 130.531E 44.911N]) |
At 35% strength |
126 Division (Nomizo; at Muleng [Mulingzhen; 130.253E 44.518N) |
At 20% strength |
135 Division (Hitomi; at Linkou [130.260E 45.281N]) |
At 15% strength. Grossly deficient in equipment. |
Area Army (Ushiroku) |
Division (Iwai) |
At 65% strength |
Cavalry Regiment |
Division (Makamura) |
At 15% strength |
Independent Mixed Brigade |
At 15% strength |
Independent Mixed Brigade |
At 15% strength |
Independent Mixed Brigade |
At 15% strength |
1 Tank
Brigade |
30 Army (Iida) |
40 Engineer Regiment |
39 Division (Sasa) |
At 80% strength but lacked artillery |
125 Division (Imari) |
At 20% strength |
138 Division (Yamamoto) |
At 15% strength |
148 Division (Suemitsu) |
At 15% strength; had almost no small arms |
44 Army (Hongo; at Liaoyuan [125.144E 42.893N]) |
9 Independent Tank Brigade |
63 Division (Kishigawa) |
At 20% strength |
107 Division (Abe; at Wuchakou [120.309E 46.765N]) |
At 60% strength |
117 Division (Suzuki) |
At 20% strength |
34 Army (Kushibuchi) |
133 Independent Mixed Brigade |
At 15% strength | |||
59 Division (Fujita) |
137 Division (Akiyama) |
At 15% strength | |||
5 Air Army (Seoul) |
4 Army (Uemura; at Tsitsihar) | Formerly under 3 Area Army but directly subordinated to Kwantung Army in May 1945 |
131 Independent Mixed Brigade | ||||
135 Independent Mixed Brigade | At 15% strength | |||
136 Independent Mixed Brigade | At 15% strength | |||
29 Independent Engineer Regiment | Road bridge construction | |||
119 Division (Shiozawa) | At 70% strength | |||
80 Independent Mixed Brigade | At 15% strength | |||
123 Division (Kitazawa) | At 35% strength. No mobile artillery. | |||
149 Division (Sasaki) | At 15% strength. Had no artillery. |
(1983 [accessed 2008-12-10]; 2003)
The Pacific War Online Encyclopedia © 2007-2010, 2012, 2014-2015 by Kent G. Budge. Index